
Grant Space

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(***) ***-****

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About Grant Space

Grant Space works at Grants, which is a Data Collection & Internet Portals company with an estimated 27 employees. Grant is currently based in Colombia. Found email listings include: @thegrant.co.Explore more

Grant Space Current Workplace


2024-present (9 months)

Grants are made only when necessary to reduce the average annual benefited user charges to a reasonable level. Normally, grants are considered only when the debt service portion of the cost to grant eligible users exceeds the following percentages of median household incomes (MHI) for the applicant service area: 0.5 percent when the MHI of the service area is below the poverty line or below 80 percent (whichever is higher) of the State"s non-metropolitan household income (NMHI); 1.0 percent when the NMHI of the service area exceeds the 0.5 percent requirement but is not more than 100 percent of the State"s NMHI; no RUS grant funds will be used in any project when the MHI of the service area is above the poverty line and more than 100 percent of the State"s NMHI. The RUS grant may not exceed 75 percent of the eligible project development cost when the MHI of the service area is below the poverty line or below 80 percent (whichever is higher) of the State"s NMHI and the project is necessSee more

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Grant Space

What is Grant Space’s email address?
Grant Space’s email address is g***@thegrant.co
What is Grant Space’s business email address?
Grant Space’s business email address is g***@thegrant.co
What is Grant Space’s direct phone number?
Grant Space’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Grant Space’s work phone number?
Grant Space’s headquarters phone number is (541) 346-5700
Which industry does Grant Space work in?
Grant Space works in the industry of Information Collection & Delivery, Media & Internet.
Who are Grant Space’s colleagues?
Some of Grant Space’s colleagues are Holly Ondyak, Dan Bowes, Laura Carter, Karen Gilbert.
How can I contact Grant Space?
Grant Space contact details: Email address: g***@thegrant.co Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Grant Space based?
Grant Space works for Grants, located at United States
See more information about Grant Space

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