Gosego Kgabung

Chief Financial Officer at inq Nigeria

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(***) ***-****

Gosego Kgabung Current Workplace


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Gosego Kgabung Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Gosego Kgabung

Gosego Kgabung is a self-driven professional accountant with over fourteen (14) years of well-rounded experience in Management and Financial Accounting, Business Development, Business Improvement, and Strategy. They have worked in various industries including Real Estate, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), the Education sector, Mining, and currently in the ICT industry. As the Chief Financial Officer at inq Nigeria, they are responsible for overseeing the company's financial operations, strategic planning, and business development initiatives.Prior to their current role, Gosego was the Manager of Finance at iNQ Digital, where they were in charge of managing the company's financial reporting, budgeting, and forecasting. They have proven themselves to be a great team leader and a team player, with excellent analytical and communication skills.Gosego's diverse industry experience, combined with their strong financial acumen and strategic mindset, make them a valuable asset to the organizaRead more

Gosego Kgabung Current Workplace

inq Nigeria

2022-present (2 years)

inq Nigeria is a company that operates in the Fitness & Dance Facilities industry. It employs 250to499 people and has 10Mto25M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria.

Gosego Kgabung Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Finance

iNQ Digital


Finance Administrator & Manager

Botswana Institute of Chartered Accountants


Manager, Finance



Manager, Business Intelligence & Strategy



Org Chart - inq Nigeria

Chief Financial Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Gosego Kgabung

What company does Gosego Kgabung work for?
Gosego Kgabung works for inq Nigeria as Chief Financial Officer
What is Gosego Kgabung’s role in inq Nigeria?
Gosego Kgabung’s role in inq Nigeria is Chief Financial Officer
What is Gosego Kgabung’s email address?
Gosego Kgabung’s email address is g***@inq.inc
What is Gosego Kgabung’s business email address?
Gosego Kgabung’s business email address is g***@inq.inc
What is Gosego Kgabung’s direct phone number?
Gosego Kgabung’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Gosego Kgabung’s work phone number?
Gosego Kgabung’s headquarters phone number is +234 17000700
What is Gosego Kgabung’s latest job experience?
Gosego Kgabung’s latest job experience is Manager, Finance at iNQ Digital
Which industry does Gosego Kgabung work in?
Gosego Kgabung works in the industry of Fitness & Dance Facilities, Recreation, Hospitality.
Who are Gosego Kgabung’s peers at other companies?
Gosego Kgabung’s peers at other companies are Khushal Singh, Sean McGourty, Daniel Grace, Bonnie Lovering, Laurie Harlin.
Who are Gosego Kgabung’s colleagues?
Some of Gosego Kgabung’s colleagues are Gbenga Bamidele, McMillan Likatho, Naresh Thukkani, Abdul Lateef.
How can I contact Gosego Kgabung?
Gosego Kgabung contact details: Email address: g***@inq.inc Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Gosego Kgabung?

Gosego Kgabung is a self-driven professional accountant with over fourteen (14) years of well-rounded experience in Management and Financial Accounting, Business Development, Business Improvement, and Strategy. They have worked in various industries including Real Estate, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), the Education sector, Mining, and currentl... y in the ICT industry. As the Chief Financial Officer at inq Nigeria, they are responsible for overseeing the company's financial operations, strategic planning, and business development initiatives.Prior to their current role, Gosego was the Manager of Finance at iNQ Digital, where they were in charge of managing the company's financial reporting, budgeting, and forecasting. They have proven themselves to be a great team leader and a team player, with excellent analytical and communication skills.Gosego's diverse industry experience, combined with their strong financial acumen and strategic mindset, make them a valuable asset to the organizations they have been a part of. They are passionate about driving business growth and continually seeking ways to improve operational efficiency and profitability.Read More

Where is Gosego Kgabung based?
Gosego Kgabung works for inq Nigeria, located at Nigeria
Who is inq Nigeria’s Chief Financial Officer?
inq Nigeria's Chief Financial Officer is Gosego Kgabung
See more information about Gosego Kgabung

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