Goran Petrov

Manager, Information Technology at Makpetrol

Goran Petrov Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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About Goran Petrov

Goran Petrov works as a Manager, Information Technology at Makpetrol, which is an Energy, Utilities & Waste company with an estimated 405 employees. They are part of Information Technology Department and their management level is Manager. Goran is currently based in Macedonia. Found email listings include: @makpetrol.com.mk.Explore more

Goran Petrov Current Workplace


2024-present (5 months)

Makpetrol AD is the biggest company in the Republic of Macedonia for distribution and trade with oil products, having more than 60 years of experience. As a significant part of the Macedonian energy sector, our company has established powerful infrastructure for distribution and trade of oil products. Investments have also been made for the development of the Gas Pipeline that distributes natural gas as an alternative and environmentally friendly fuel on the Macedonian market. Trade business opportunities have been expanded with various products from the automotive industry and from other market requirements. Costumers are the priority of Makpetrol's business policy. We are all dedicated to satisfying the costumer's demands in order to achieve mutual partnership through our high quality offer. Team work is part of Makpetrol's business success. Yellow and blue colors of the company are recognized on the market as a symbol of quality as well as a symbol of reliable and professional serviSee more

Org Chart - Makpetrol


Manager, Information Technology




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Goran Petrov

What company does Goran Petrov work for?
Goran Petrov works for Makpetrol as Manager, Information Technology
What is Goran Petrov’s role in Makpetrol?
Goran Petrov’s role in Makpetrol is Manager, Information Technology
What is Goran Petrov’s email address?
Goran Petrov’s email address is g***@makpetrol.com.mk
What is Goran Petrov’s business email address?
Goran Petrov’s business email address is g***@makpetrol.com.mk
What is Goran Petrov’s direct phone number?
Goran Petrov’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Goran Petrov’s work phone number?
Goran Petrov’s headquarters phone number is +389 23112144
Which industry does Goran Petrov work in?
Goran Petrov works in the industry of Oil & Gas Exploration & Services, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment.
Who are Goran Petrov’s peers at other companies?
Goran Petrov’s peers at other companies are Giovanna Adimari, Bill Joe, Ramona Helble, Shelby Tovar, Andrew Gonzales.
Who are Goran Petrov’s colleagues?
Some of Goran Petrov’s colleagues are Mihajlo Borozanov, Goran Ivanoski, Mihajlo Sterjov, Radoslav Simevski.
How can I contact Goran Petrov?
Goran Petrov contact details: Email address: g***@makpetrol.com.mk Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Goran Petrov based?
Goran Petrov works for Makpetrol, located at Macedonia
See more information about Goran Petrov

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