
Gloria Nery

Director, Information Technology at Universal Music Group

Gloria Nery Email & Phone number


(818) ***-****

Gloria Nery Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Gloria Nery

Gloria Nery is a Director, Information Technology at Universal Music Group based in Hilversum, North Holland.

Gloria Nery Current Workplace

Universal Music Group

2013-present (11 years)

Universal Music is the largest music company in the world. We produce, manufacture, market, sell and distribute recorded music and represent artists from Canada and around the world. Universal Music Canada, a unit of Universal Music Group, is Canada's leading music organization maintaining an overall 30% market share.

Org Chart - Universal Music Group

Gloria Nery

Director, Information Technology

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Gloria Nery

What company does Gloria Nery work for?
Gloria Nery works for Universal Music Group as Director, Information Technology
What is Gloria Nery’s role in Universal Music Group?
Gloria Nery’s role in Universal Music Group is Director, Information Technology
What is Gloria Nery’s email address?
Gloria Nery’s email address is g***@umusic.com
What is Gloria Nery’s business email address?
Gloria Nery’s business email address is g***@umusic.com
What is Gloria Nery’s direct phone number?
Gloria Nery’s direct phone number is (818) ***-****
What is Gloria Nery’s work phone number?
Gloria Nery’s headquarters phone number is +31 886261500
Who are Gloria Nery’s peers at other companies?
Gloria Nery’s peers at other companies are Lou Boni, John Caylor, Timothy Cosme, Lukas Bootz, Bob Northway.
Who are Gloria Nery’s colleagues?
Some of Gloria Nery’s colleagues are Asuncion Carrillo, Sharon Tanimoto, Jennifer Lugg, Cawa Garcia.
How can I contact Gloria Nery?
Gloria Nery contact details: Email address: g***@umusic.com Phone number: (818) ***-****
Who is Gloria Nery?

Gloria Nery is a Director, Information Technology at Universal Music Group based in Hilversum, North Holland....

Where is Gloria Nery based?
Gloria Nery works for Universal Music Group, located at Netherlands