Glenda Nischuk

Nutritional Consultant at Better Living Nutrition

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(***) ***-****

Glenda Nischuk Current Workplace


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Glenda Nischuk Work Experience Summary

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About Glenda Nischuk

Glenda Nischuk is a Nutritional Consultant at Better Living Nutrition based in Tapping, Western Australia. Previously, Glenda was a Nutritional Consultant at Better Living Nutrition. Glenda received a RNCP degree from Longevity School of Nutrition.Explore more

Glenda Nischuk Current Workplace

Better Living Nutrition

2014-present (11 years)

Hi! My name is Leilah and I'm a Clinical Nutritionist and the founder of Better Living Nutrition. My approach to Nutrition is based around creating non restrictive habits and building a healthy relationship with food; there is no good or bad, just balance. All our dietary plans and advice focus on positive food relationships and don't encourage/require restrictive eating habits. My promise is to provide quality, authentic advice that will help you achieve better health, happiness and, of course, better living. I am a Clinical Nutritionist, Registered Health Practitioner and also a Personal Trainer. As a qualified nutritionist and registered exercise professional, I can confidently help guide you in the ways of both general nutrition and fitness. I also specialise in areas such as weight management, food intolerances, coeliac disease, nutrition in children and sports nutrition.

Glenda Nischuk Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Work Experience

Work Experience

Nutritional Consultant

Better Living Nutrition





Longevity School of Nutrition

Org Chart - Better Living Nutrition


Nutritional Consultant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Glenda Nischuk

What company does Glenda Nischuk work for?
Glenda Nischuk works for Better Living Nutrition as Nutritional Consultant
What is Glenda Nischuk’s role in Better Living Nutrition?
Glenda Nischuk’s role in Better Living Nutrition is Nutritional Consultant
What is Glenda Nischuk’s email address?
Glenda Nischuk’s email address is g***@betterlivingnutrition.com.au
What is Glenda Nischuk’s business email address?
Glenda Nischuk’s business email address is g***@betterlivingnutrition.com.au
What is Glenda Nischuk’s direct phone number?
Glenda Nischuk’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Glenda Nischuk’s latest job experience?
Glenda Nischuk’s latest job experience is Nutritional Consultant at Better Living Nutrition
What is Glenda Nischuk’s latest education?
Glenda Nischuk’s latest education in RNCP at Longevity School of Nutrition
Which industry does Glenda Nischuk work in?
Glenda Nischuk works in the industry of Vitamins, Supplements & Health Stores, Retail.
Who are Glenda Nischuk’s peers at other companies?
Glenda Nischuk’s peers at other companies are Stephen Summer, Paulina Magana, John Connor, Jared Yevins, Vanessa Rotondo.
How can I contact Glenda Nischuk?
Glenda Nischuk contact details: Email address: g***@betterlivingnutrition.com.au Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Glenda Nischuk?

Glenda Nischuk is a Nutritional Consultant at Better Living Nutrition based in Tapping, Western Australia. Previously, Glenda was a Nutritional Consultant at Better Living Nutrition. Glenda received a RNCP degree from Longevity School of Nutrition.... Read More

Where is Glenda Nischuk based?
Glenda Nischuk works for Better Living Nutrition, located at Australia
See more information about Glenda Nischuk

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