
Glen Anil

Head Office at Esizwe Group

Glen Anil Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Glen Anil Work Experience Summary

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About Glen Anil

Glen Anil works as a Head Office at Esizwe Group, which is an Office Products Retail & Distribution company with an estimated 105 employees. They are part of Operations Department and their management level is Director. Glen is currently based in South Africa. They used to work at Dynamed Pharmaceuticals. Found email listings include: @voxtelecom.co.za.Explore more

Glen Anil Current Workplace

Esizwe Group

2023-present (1 year)

Esizwe Group was established in 2003, with a need to provide office supplies and ICT products to a growing need in the industry. The company has more than 60 employees at branches in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town. The company also has a manufacturing division that manufactures office furniture and seating. Our factory is situated in the South of Johannesburg. With a broad target market, spreading across both the public and the private sector, we offer a wide range of stationery, ICT and Office furniture products at competitive pricing. We are affiliated with all major ICT brands which include being an HP & Acer Gold partner. Our business is based on honesty and integrity, creating and maintaining relationships with customers and suppliers are equally important to offering innovative products and competitive pricing. Our diversified product line allows us to offer end to end solutions to our clients. We are a Level 1 BBBEE company that insists on transformation and skills developmeSee more

Glen Anil Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Head Office

Dynamed Pharmaceuticals


Org Chart - Esizwe Group


Head Office




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Glen Anil

What company does Glen Anil work for?
Glen Anil works for Esizwe Group as Head Office
What is Glen Anil’s role in Esizwe Group?
Glen Anil’s role in Esizwe Group is Head Office
What is Glen Anil’s email address?
Glen Anil’s email address is a***@voxtelecom.co.za
What is Glen Anil’s business email address?
Glen Anil’s business email address is a***@voxtelecom.co.za
What is Glen Anil’s direct phone number?
Glen Anil’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Glen Anil’s work phone number?
Glen Anil’s headquarters phone number is +27 114030125
What is Glen Anil’s latest job experience?
Glen Anil’s latest job experience is Head Office at Dynamed Pharmaceuticals
Which industry does Glen Anil work in?
Glen Anil works in the industry of Office Products Retail & Distribution, Retail.
Who are Glen Anil’s peers at other companies?
Glen Anil’s peers at other companies are Evgeniy Srednyakov, Yulia Tkachenko, Mikhail Kurdyukov, Ivana Wijaya, Tarmizi Yusuf.
Who are Glen Anil’s colleagues?
Some of Glen Anil’s colleagues are Siphesihle Sithole, Dysan Pillay, Ntombi Dubazane, Thabang Senatsi.
How can I contact Glen Anil?
Glen Anil contact details: Email address: a***@voxtelecom.co.za Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Glen Anil based?
Glen Anil works for Esizwe Group, located at South Africa
See more information about Glen Anil

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