Giacomo BernardelliA+

Giacomo Bernardelli

Chief Executive Officer at Casinetto

Giacomo Bernardelli Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Giacomo Bernardelli Work Experience Summary

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About Giacomo Bernardelli

Giacomo Bernardelli works as a Chief Executive Officer at Casinetto, which is a Grocery Retail company with an estimated 92 employees. They are part of C-Suite Department and their management level is C-Level. Giacomo is currently based in Dubai, Dubai. They used to work at In Motion Media and Morgan Stanley. Found email listings include:, more

Giacomo Bernardelli Current Workplace


2009-present (16 years)

Casinetto Team is always devoted to clients need, that's why in our flour range we have Gluten free flour, from Antimo Caputo. Meeting the needs of our lovely clients is our mission, always paying attention to those who love the healthy and genuine food we select every day. Our Gluten free flour, is crafted by the masters in Naples using only pure, top quality natural starches and gluten-free flour, blended precisely for superior performance. It is also absolutely additive free, simply made from a proprietary blend of natural starches and soy flour, milled slowly for optimal water absorption and superior yield, Adaptable to a wide range of uses including gluten-free pizza, breads, pastas and baked goods. Today we would like to share the recipe of delicious Lemon & Ricotta Gluten Free Muffins.

Giacomo Bernardelli Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


In Motion Media



Morgan Stanley



Morgan Stanley


Org Chart - Casinetto

Profile Picture

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Giacomo Bernardelli

What company does Giacomo Bernardelli work for?
Giacomo Bernardelli works for Casinetto as Chief Executive Officer
What is Giacomo Bernardelli’s role in Casinetto?
Giacomo Bernardelli’s role in Casinetto is Chief Executive Officer
What is Giacomo Bernardelli’s email address?
Giacomo Bernardelli’s email address is g***
What is Giacomo Bernardelli’s business email address?
Giacomo Bernardelli’s business email address is g***
What is Giacomo Bernardelli’s direct phone number?
Giacomo Bernardelli’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Giacomo Bernardelli’s work phone number?
Giacomo Bernardelli’s headquarters phone number is +971 42706931
What is Giacomo Bernardelli’s latest job experience?
Giacomo Bernardelli’s latest job experience is Co-Founder at In Motion Media
Which industry does Giacomo Bernardelli work in?
Giacomo Bernardelli works in the industry of Grocery Retail, Retail.
Who are Giacomo Bernardelli’s peers at other companies?
Giacomo Bernardelli’s peers at other companies are Moshe Ratner, Emre Imamoglu, Isaac Lapciuc, Stew Leonard, Farris Martinous.
Who are Giacomo Bernardelli’s colleagues?
Some of Giacomo Bernardelli’s colleagues are Ric De Castro, Nenita Sarchez, Katherine Ebardo, Izabelle Yabut.
How can I contact Giacomo Bernardelli?
Giacomo Bernardelli contact details: Email address: g*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Giacomo Bernardelli based?
Giacomo Bernardelli works for Casinetto, located at United Arab Emirates
Who is Casinetto’s Chief Executive Officer?
Casinetto's Chief Executive Officer is Giacomo Bernardelli
See more information about Giacomo Bernardelli

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