
Ghada Ammar

Deputy Head of Customer Service, Manager at Arab African International Bank

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About Ghada Ammar

Ghada Ammar is a Deputy Head of Customer Service, Manager at Arab African International Bank based in Cairo, Cairo.Explore more

Ghada Ammar Current Workplace

Arab African International Bank

2016-present (9 years)

Established in 1964 with solid shareholders - the Central Bank of Egypt and Kuwait Investment Authority- AAIB spans over half a century of distinguished corporate and investment services. AAIB is Egypt's private-sector bank with a full-fledged presence in the Gulf Region. AAIB is regarded as one of the industry's Domestic Systemically Important Banks (DSIbs). The Universal Lender "AAIB", rounds out the top four banks in Egypt with $1.2bn in Tier 1 in 2018 by the Banker Magazine. Enacting its vision to become a leading financial group extending innovative services into the entire region; AAIB established six subsidiaries; Arab African Investment Holding (AAIH) including Arab African Investment Management (AAIM), Arab African International Securities (AAIS) as well as Arab African International Mortgage Finance (AAIMF) and Arab African International Leasing (AAIL) and Sandah. The establishment of which transformed AAIB from a bank to a financial group. A trendsetter in advancing sustainaSee more

Org Chart - Arab African International Bank


Deputy Head of Customer Service, Ma...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ghada Ammar

What company does Ghada Ammar work for?
Ghada Ammar works for Arab African International Bank as Deputy Head of Customer Service, Manager
What is Ghada Ammar’s role in Arab African International Bank?
Ghada Ammar’s role in Arab African International Bank is Deputy Head of Customer Service, Manager
What is Ghada Ammar’s email address?
Ghada Ammar’s email address is g***@aaib.com
What is Ghada Ammar’s business email address?
Ghada Ammar’s business email address is g***@aaib.com
What is Ghada Ammar’s direct phone number?
Ghada Ammar’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ghada Ammar’s work phone number?
Ghada Ammar’s headquarters phone number is +20 226733107
Which industry does Ghada Ammar work in?
Ghada Ammar works in the industry of Finance General, Finance.
Who are Ghada Ammar’s peers at other companies?
Ghada Ammar’s peers at other companies are Tarik Talaat, Mohamed Meleis, Aaib Sayed.
Who are Ghada Ammar’s colleagues?
Some of Ghada Ammar’s colleagues are Assem Alamy, Dina Elsayed Abdelrahman, Demiana Kamal, Alia Abdallah.
How can I contact Ghada Ammar?
Ghada Ammar contact details: Email address: g***@aaib.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Ghada Ammar?

Ghada Ammar is a Deputy Head of Customer Service, Manager at Arab African International Bank based in Cairo, Cairo.... Read More

Where is Ghada Ammar based?
Ghada Ammar works for Arab African International Bank, located at Egypt
See more information about Ghada Ammar

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