Gerry Rajnicek

Platform Engineer at PNC

Gerry Rajnicek Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Gerry Rajnicek Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Gerry Rajnicek Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Gerry Rajnicek

Gerry Rajnicek is a Platform Engineer at PNC Financial Services Group Inc. Responsible for designing and developing robust software systems, Gerry previously held the role of Senior Software Engineer at the same company. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Cleveland State University. Gerry's expertise in software engineering and platform development has been instrumental in driving innovation and efficiency within PNC's technological infrastructure.

Gerry Rajnicek Current Workplace


2015-present (10 years)

The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. operates as a diversified financial services company in the United States. It operates through three segments: Retail Banking, Corporate & Institutional Banking, and Asset Management Group segments. The company's Retail Banking segment offers checking, savings, and money market accounts, as well as time deposit; residential mortgages, home equity loans and lines of credit, auto loans, credit cards, education loans, and personal and small business loans and lines of credit; and brokerage, insurance, and investment and cash management services. This segment serves consumer and small business customers through a network of branches, digital channels, ATMs, and through phone-based customer contact centers. Its Corporate & Institutional Banking segment provides secured and unsecured loans, letters of credit, and equipment leases; cash and investment management services, receivables and disbursement management services, funds transfer services, internatSee more

Gerry Rajnicek Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer




National City


Manager, Network & Developer

Liggett Stashower




Bachelor of Arts - MIS with Accounting concentration

Cleveland State University

Org Chart - PNC

Gerry Rajnicek

Platform Engineer

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Gerry Rajnicek

What company does Gerry Rajnicek work for?
Gerry Rajnicek works for PNC as Platform Engineer
What is Gerry Rajnicek’s role in PNC?
Gerry Rajnicek’s role in PNC is Platform Engineer
What is Gerry Rajnicek’s email address?
Gerry Rajnicek’s email address is g***@pnc.com
What is Gerry Rajnicek’s business email address?
Gerry Rajnicek’s business email address is g***@pnc.com
What is Gerry Rajnicek’s direct phone number?
Gerry Rajnicek’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Gerry Rajnicek’s work phone number?
Gerry Rajnicek’s headquarters phone number is (888) 762-2265
What is Gerry Rajnicek’s latest job experience?
Gerry Rajnicek’s latest job experience is Senior Software Engineer at PNC
What is Gerry Rajnicek’s latest education?
Gerry Rajnicek’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts - MIS with Accounting concentration at Cleveland State University
Which industry does Gerry Rajnicek work in?
Gerry Rajnicek works in the industry of Banking, Finance.
Who are Gerry Rajnicek’s peers at other companies?
Gerry Rajnicek’s peers at other companies are Eranga Dg, Babitha Pathuru, Akash Sahu, Kishore Singireddy, Rick Liu.
Who are Gerry Rajnicek’s colleagues?
Some of Gerry Rajnicek’s colleagues are Jim Connor, Jennifer Teeter, Steve Bodzianowski, Wil Hendrix-Griffin.
How can I contact Gerry Rajnicek?
Gerry Rajnicek contact details: Email address: g***@pnc.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Gerry Rajnicek?

Gerry Rajnicek is a Platform Engineer at PNC Financial Services Group Inc. Responsible for designing and developing robust software systems, Gerry previously held the role of Senior Software Engineer at the same company. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Cleveland State University. Gerry's expertise in software engineering and platform devel... opment has been instrumental in driving innovation and efficiency within PNC's technological infrastructure.

Where is Gerry Rajnicek based?
Gerry Rajnicek works for PNC, located at United States