2014-present (11 years)
George Levinson Email & Phone number
George Levinson Current Workplace
5550 Rfd, Long Grove, Illinois, 60047, United States
Phone Number
(224) 456-8247
Number of Employees
George Levinson Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
3Number of job titles
3Last Update 1/13/2025 7:06 PM
About George Levinson
George Levinson is an Owner at Windy City Knives based in Long Grove, Illinois.
Previously, George was a President at Compliance Software Solutions.
George received a B. S. degree degree from State University of New York at Binghamton and a B. S. degree from Binghamton University.
George Levinson Current Workplace
Windy City Knives
Windy City Knives is a knife dealership specializing in collectible custom, handmade, and mid-tech folding and fixed blade knives. They offer sales, purchases, and consignment services for these unique knives. Their focus is on providing a range of high-quality knives for enthusiasts and collectors. Customers are encouraged to contact Windy City Knives prior to purchase to ensure availability.
George Levinson Work Experience & Education
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Web References
bioMérieux and Compliance Software Solutions Corp. Partner to Enhance Data Management for the Pharmaceutical Industry | bioMérieux Industry website
"bioMérieux's expertise in the microbiology laboratory and success with the VITEK® 2 Compact, along with its dynamic sales organization, affords us wi...Where To Buy - Medford Knife & Tool USA
George Levinson 224.456.8247Aseptic Training Institute
George M. Levinson Mr. Levinson is one of the founding principals of Compliance Software Solutions Corp. located in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. Since s...Compliance Software Solutions Corporation :: Management Team
George M. Levinson President glevinson@csoftsol.com Mr. Levinson is one of the founding principals of Compliance Software Solutions . Since starti...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding George Levinson
George Levinson is an Owner at Windy City Knives based in Long Grove, Illinois. Previously, George was a President at Compliance Software Solutions. George received a B. S. degree degree from State University of New York at Binghamton and a B. S. degree from Binghamton University....