
Gawir Baig

Chief Financial Officer at Anthem Biosciences

Gawir Baig Email & Phone number

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+91 ***** *****

Gawir Baig Current Workplace


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Gawir Baig Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Gawir Baig

Gawir Baig is a Chief Financial Officer at Anthem Biosciences based in Huskur, Karnataka. Previously, Gawir was a Founder at Kea Healthcare Private and also held positions at Standard Chartered. Gawir received a Master of Business Administration degree from Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.Explore more

Gawir Baig Current Workplace

Anthem Biosciences

2021-present (3 years)

Anthem Biosciences, founded in 2007 and headquartered in Bengaluru, India, is a Contract Research and Innovation Service Provider. The company has become a powerhouse for drug and new product development and manufacture, with equal emphasis on biological and chemistry-based products and services.

Gawir Baig Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


o3 Capital



Kea Healthcare Private



o3 Capital


Relationship Manager

Standard Chartered




Master of Business Administration - Finance

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

Org Chart - Anthem Biosciences

Chief Financial Officer





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  • news feed 2

    Intesa Royal

    Gawir Baig Corporate Finance Advisory Gawir Baig Gawir heads corporate finance for Intesa Royal and brings over a decade of business experience...
  • news feed 3

    Gawir Baig Corporate Finance Gawir Baig Gawir heads corporate finance for Intesa Royal and brings over a decade of business experience spanning...
  • news feed 4

    Gawir Baig

    Home > Advisors > Gawir Baig Gawir Baig Transaction Advisor IMAP India o3 House 27, Magrath Road Bangalore, 560001 India Photo: Gawir Bai...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Gawir Baig

What company does Gawir Baig work for?
Gawir Baig works for Anthem Biosciences as Chief Financial Officer
What is Gawir Baig’s role in Anthem Biosciences?
Gawir Baig’s role in Anthem Biosciences is Chief Financial Officer
What is Gawir Baig’s email address?
Gawir Baig’s email address is g***@anthembio.com
What is Gawir Baig’s business email address?
Gawir Baig’s business email address is g***@anthembio.com
What is Gawir Baig’s direct phone number?
Gawir Baig’s direct phone number is +91 ***** *****
What is Gawir Baig’s work phone number?
Gawir Baig’s headquarters phone number is +91 8066724000
What is Gawir Baig’s latest job experience?
Gawir Baig’s latest job experience is Director at o3 Capital
What is Gawir Baig’s latest education?
Gawir Baig’s latest education in Master of Business Administration - Finance at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Which industry does Gawir Baig work in?
Gawir Baig works in the industry of Business Services General, Business Services.
Who are Gawir Baig’s peers at other companies?
Gawir Baig’s peers at other companies are Rose Payne, Mitchell Goldstein, Andrea Goren, Sachin Dharap, Kathy Bergsteinsson.
Who are Gawir Baig’s colleagues?
Some of Gawir Baig’s colleagues are Sajith Sahadevan, Prasad Shandilya, Rajendra Gaikwad, Sangeetha Shankar.
How can I contact Gawir Baig?
Gawir Baig contact details: Email address: g***@anthembio.com Phone number: +91 ***** *****
Who is Gawir Baig?

Gawir Baig is a Chief Financial Officer at Anthem Biosciences based in Huskur, Karnataka. Previously, Gawir was a Founder at Kea Healthcare Private and also held positions at Standard Chartered. Gawir received a Master of Business Administration degree from Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.... Read More

Where is Gawir Baig based?
Gawir Baig works for Anthem Biosciences, located at India
Who is Anthem Biosciences’s Chief Financial Officer?
Anthem Biosciences's Chief Financial Officer is Gawir Baig
See more information about Gawir Baig

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