
Gary Kirsten

Manager, Warehouse at Resolute Elevator

Gary Kirsten Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Gary Kirsten Work Experience Summary

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About Gary Kirsten

Gary Kirsten is a Manager, Warehouse at Resolute Elevator based in Burlington, North Carolina. Previously, Gary was a Customer Service Representative at Highmark Blue Shield of Northeastern New York and also held positions at The Alternative Living Group. Gary received a Regents Diploma degree from Schenectady High School.Explore more

Gary Kirsten Current Workplace

Resolute Elevator

2021-present (4 years)

Resolute Elevator LLC was created to lead the way in innovation, offering new and exciting products that solve the problems associated with conventional elevator installation. We strive to provide the best customer experience from lunch-and-learns with architects to final inspections and turn over. We are there every step of the way insuring that you are completely satisfied with the final product. Resolute Elevator LLC is a Woman owned small business that was formed on the foundation of quality materials, exceptional mechanics and elevators that will revolutionize the industry. With years of experience our mechanics are seasoned pros at what ever a new project may throw their way. Our team not only has the experience but the winning attitudes to go with it.

Gary Kirsten Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Direct Support Professional

The Alternative Living Group


Customer Service Representative

Highmark Blue Shield of Northeastern New York




Regents Diploma

Schenectady High School

Org Chart - Resolute Elevator


Manager, Warehouse




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Gary Kirsten

What company does Gary Kirsten work for?
Gary Kirsten works for Resolute Elevator as Manager, Warehouse
What is Gary Kirsten’s role in Resolute Elevator?
Gary Kirsten’s role in Resolute Elevator is Manager, Warehouse
What is Gary Kirsten’s email address?
Gary Kirsten’s email address is g***@resoluteelevator.com
What is Gary Kirsten’s business email address?
Gary Kirsten’s business email address is g***@resoluteelevator.com
What is Gary Kirsten’s direct phone number?
Gary Kirsten’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Gary Kirsten’s work phone number?
Gary Kirsten’s headquarters phone number is (919) 903-0189
What is Gary Kirsten’s latest job experience?
Gary Kirsten’s latest job experience is Direct Support Professional at The Alternative Living Group
What is Gary Kirsten’s latest education?
Gary Kirsten’s latest education in Regents Diploma at Schenectady High School
Which industry does Gary Kirsten work in?
Gary Kirsten works in the industry of Industrial Machinery & Equipment, Manufacturing.
Who are Gary Kirsten’s peers at other companies?
Gary Kirsten’s peers at other companies are Matthew Dagenais, Chase Nagle, Huong Doan, Douglas Lund, Ryan Mort.
Who are Gary Kirsten’s colleagues?
Some of Gary Kirsten’s colleagues are Daniel Martin, Nathaniel Henson, Julia Arrowood, Chris Wilson.
How can I contact Gary Kirsten?
Gary Kirsten contact details: Email address: g***@resoluteelevator.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Gary Kirsten?

Gary Kirsten is a Manager, Warehouse at Resolute Elevator based in Burlington, North Carolina. Previously, Gary was a Customer Service Representative at Highmark Blue Shield of Northeastern New York and also held positions at The Alternative Living Group. Gary received a Regents Diploma degree from Schenectady High School.... Read More

Where is Gary Kirsten based?
Gary Kirsten works for Resolute Elevator, located at United States
See more information about Gary Kirsten

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