Gary Clodfelter

Owner at Plastic Assembly Technology

Gary Clodfelter Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(***) ***-****

Gary Clodfelter Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Gary Clodfelter Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


Last Update 12/29/2024 9:09 AM

About Gary Clodfelter

Gary Clodfelter is an Owner at Plastic Assembly Technology based in Indianapolis, Indiana. Previously, Gary was a Sales & Service Manager at Emerson.

Gary Clodfelter Current Workplace

Plastic Assembly Technology

2006-present (18 years)

Plastic Assembly Technologies President, Gary Clodfelter, has been involved with ultrasonic plastic welding since 1973. Before starting the company in 1986, Gary served as the Sales and Service Manager for Branson Ultrasonics Corporation. Gary and all of PATSONICS employees are dedicated to providing you with quality ultrasonic products and services. Our goal and focus is to provide our customers with ultrasonic products and services at a reasonable price that fulfill their plastic assembly needs. Our corporate quality objectives are to continuously improve customer satisfaction with PATSONICS products and services. Our mission is to fulfill this goal with integrity, honesty and respect. Our list of long-term customers and our growing customer base is, we believe, testimony to the success we have had in fulfilling our mission. We provide ultrasonic products and services to companies located around the world. Our physical plant is located at 8445 Castlewood Drive in Indianapolis, IndianSee more

Gary Clodfelter Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Sales & Service Manager



Org Chart - Plastic Assembly Technology

Gary Clodfelter


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Gary Clodfelter

What company does Gary Clodfelter work for?
Gary Clodfelter works for Plastic Assembly Technology as Owner
What is Gary Clodfelter’s role in Plastic Assembly Technology?
Gary Clodfelter’s role in Plastic Assembly Technology is Owner
What is Gary Clodfelter’s email address?
Gary Clodfelter’s email address is g***
What is Gary Clodfelter’s business email address?
Gary Clodfelter’s business email address is g***
What is Gary Clodfelter’s direct phone number?
Gary Clodfelter’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Gary Clodfelter’s work phone number?
Gary Clodfelter’s headquarters phone number is (317) 841-1202
What is Gary Clodfelter’s latest job experience?
Gary Clodfelter’s latest job experience is Sales & Service Manager at Emerson
Which industry does Gary Clodfelter work in?
Gary Clodfelter works in the industry of Hand, Power and Lawn-care Tools, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing.
Who are Gary Clodfelter’s peers at other companies?
Gary Clodfelter’s peers at other companies are Karl Hribar, Charles Dugan, Ed Doumar, Timothy Brann, Rick Poole.
Who are Gary Clodfelter’s colleagues?
Some of Gary Clodfelter’s colleagues are Adam Milburn.
How can I contact Gary Clodfelter?
Gary Clodfelter contact details: Email address: g*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Gary Clodfelter?

Gary Clodfelter is an Owner at Plastic Assembly Technology based in Indianapolis, Indiana. Previously, Gary was a Sales & Service Manager at Emerson....

Where is Gary Clodfelter based?
Gary Clodfelter works for Plastic Assembly Technology, located at United States
Who is Plastic Assembly Technology’s Owner?
Plastic Assembly Technology's Owner is Gary Clodfelter