Garth Klimchuk

Garth Klimchuk

Co-Founder & Managing Partner at NorthRenew Energy

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Garth Klimchuk Email & Phone number

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(212) ***-****

Garth Klimchuk Current Workplace


Phone Number

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Garth Klimchuk Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Garth Klimchuk

Garth Klimchuk is a Co-Founder & Managing Partner at NorthRenew Energy based in Becket, Massachusetts. Previously, Garth was a Founder & Managing Partner at NorthRenew Energy and also held positions at Kaluza Limited, BOVARO Partners, Berenson, CIBC, JP Morgan India Private. Garth received a Bachelor of Science degree from Brown University and a Master of Science from University of Pennsylvania.Explore more

Garth Klimchuk Current Workplace

NorthRenew Energy

2017-present (8 years)

NorthRenew Energy is a company dedicated to leading the energy transition by developing and completing renewable energy projects across the United States through greenfield development and acquisitions. With a team boasting over 200 years of experience in land acquisition, development, and project financing, NorthRenew focuses on wind and solar construction management. Since its establishment in 2017, the company has successfully developed and sold ten projects, totaling over 3.4 GW, and has a development pipeline exceeding 3 GW. Their portfolio includes diverse wind and solar projects nationwide, each with unique industry characteristics.

Garth Klimchuk Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Chief Financial Officer

Kaluza Limited


Founder & Managing Partner

NorthRenew Energy



BOVARO Partners


Managing Director





Bachelor of Science - Geology

Brown University

Master of Science - Energy Management and Policy

University of Pennsylvania

Org Chart - NorthRenew Energy

Profile Picture

Co-Founder & Managing Partner




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Garth Klimchuk

What company does Garth Klimchuk work for?
Garth Klimchuk works for NorthRenew Energy as Co-Founder & Managing Partner
What is Garth Klimchuk’s role in NorthRenew Energy?
Garth Klimchuk’s role in NorthRenew Energy is Co-Founder & Managing Partner
What is Garth Klimchuk’s email address?
Garth Klimchuk’s email address is g***
What is Garth Klimchuk’s business email address?
Garth Klimchuk’s business email address is g***
What is Garth Klimchuk’s direct phone number?
Garth Klimchuk’s direct phone number is (212) ***-****
What is Garth Klimchuk’s work phone number?
Garth Klimchuk’s headquarters phone number is (413) 528-3535
What is Garth Klimchuk’s latest job experience?
Garth Klimchuk’s latest job experience is Chief Financial Officer at Kaluza Limited
What is Garth Klimchuk’s latest education?
Garth Klimchuk’s latest education in Bachelor of Science - Geology at Brown University
Which industry does Garth Klimchuk work in?
Garth Klimchuk works in the industry of Electricity, Oil & Gas, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment.
Who are Garth Klimchuk’s peers at other companies?
Garth Klimchuk’s peers at other companies are Alex Stone, David Scaysbrook, Todd Nance, Fatoumata Diarrassouba, Daniel Weiss.
Who are Garth Klimchuk’s colleagues?
Some of Garth Klimchuk’s colleagues are Patrick Fei, Alex Miadelets, Carol LeBlanc, Ira Greenberg.
How can I contact Garth Klimchuk?
Garth Klimchuk contact details: Email address: g*** Phone number: (212) ***-****
Who is Garth Klimchuk?

Garth Klimchuk is a Co-Founder & Managing Partner at NorthRenew Energy based in Becket, Massachusetts. Previously, Garth was a Founder & Managing Partner at NorthRenew Energy and also held positions at Kaluza Limited, BOVARO Partners, Berenson, CIBC, JP Morgan India Private. Garth received a Bachelor of Science degree from Brown University and a... Master of Science from University of Pennsylvania.Read More

Where is Garth Klimchuk based?
Garth Klimchuk works for NorthRenew Energy, located at United States
Who is NorthRenew Energy’s Co-Founder & Managing Partner?
NorthRenew Energy's Co-Founder & Managing Partner is Garth Klimchuk
See more information about Garth Klimchuk

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