Garrett Luthens

President at Minnesota Milk Producers Association

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About Garrett Luthens

Garrett wakes up every morning to his wife Melissa, and children Annabelle and Micah. His favorite time of the day is having breakfast with his family, and then taking a walk around the farm to check on the cattle, visit some of the crew and monitor for changes from the previous day.Explore more

Garrett Luthens Current Workplace

The Minnesota Milk Producers Association is a state dairy advocacy group focused on promoting sustainable practices, educating members, and influencing policy related to the dairy industry. They offer resources such as events, workshops, and newsletters to support their members in areas like conservation, production, and economics. The association recognizes outstanding achievements in the industry through awards, such as Producer of the Year. Their initiatives, like the Minnesota Milk Climate-Smart Project, aim to empower dairy producers towards greater environmental sustainability.

Org Chart - Minnesota Milk Producers Association






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Garrett Luthens

What company does Garrett Luthens work for?
Garrett Luthens works for Minnesota Milk Producers Association as President
What is Garrett Luthens’s role in Minnesota Milk Producers Association?
Garrett Luthens’s role in Minnesota Milk Producers Association is President
What is Garrett Luthens’s direct phone number?
Garrett Luthens’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Garrett Luthens’s work phone number?
Garrett Luthens’s headquarters phone number is (763) 355-9697
Which industry does Garrett Luthens work in?
Garrett Luthens works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Garrett Luthens’s peers at other companies?
Garrett Luthens’s peers at other companies are Kevin Tekrony, Robert Sabin, Tom Grossman, Dara Samuel, Michael Brown.
Who are Garrett Luthens’s colleagues?
Some of Garrett Luthens’s colleagues are Laura Hensley, David Buck.
Who is Garrett Luthens?

Garrett wakes up every morning to his wife Melissa, and children Annabelle and Micah. His favorite time of the day is having breakfast with his family, and then taking a walk around the farm to check on the cattle, visit some of the crew and monitor for changes from the previous day.... Read More

Where is Garrett Luthens based?
Garrett Luthens works for Minnesota Milk Producers Association, located at United States
Who is Minnesota Milk Producers Association’s President?
Minnesota Milk Producers Association's President is Garrett Luthens
See more information about Garrett Luthens

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