
Gabriele Bernardelli

Analista De Customer Success at Gove

Gabriele Bernardelli Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Gabriele Bernardelli Current Workplace





Number of Employees

Gabriele Bernardelli Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Gabriele Bernardelli

Gabriele Bernardelli is an Analista De Customer Success at Gove based in Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo. Previously, Gabriele was an Estagiária De Customer Success at Gove and also held positions at Cagesp, Etec "Prof Matheus Leite de Abreu.Explore more

Gabriele Bernardelli Current Workplace


2024-present (9 months)

Gove offers a digital software solution for the public sector to interact efficiently with citizens and businesses, providing services like tax collections, government delivery notifications, medical appointment confirmations, and an AI chatbot. Their software aims to increase tax revenue and reduce operational costs, while improving team productivity and enhancing communication effectiveness. Gove's target clients are public sector entities looking to streamline their processes and enhance citizen satisfaction through modern, efficient digital solutions.

Gabriele Bernardelli Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Estagiária De Customer Success



Analista De Licitação

Governo do Estado da Paraíba


Administrative Assistant II

State Government of Paraíba



Universidade Federal da Paraíba


Org Chart - Gove


Analista De Customer Success




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Gabriele Bernardelli

What company does Gabriele Bernardelli work for?
Gabriele Bernardelli works for Gove as Analista De Customer Success
What is Gabriele Bernardelli’s role in Gove?
Gabriele Bernardelli’s role in Gove is Analista De Customer Success
What is Gabriele Bernardelli’s email address?
Gabriele Bernardelli’s email address is g***@gove.digital
What is Gabriele Bernardelli’s business email address?
Gabriele Bernardelli’s business email address is g***@gove.digital
What is Gabriele Bernardelli’s direct phone number?
Gabriele Bernardelli’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Gabriele Bernardelli’s work phone number?
Gabriele Bernardelli’s headquarters phone number is +55 11984920686
What is Gabriele Bernardelli’s latest job experience?
Gabriele Bernardelli’s latest job experience is Estagiária De Customer Success at Gove
Which industry does Gabriele Bernardelli work in?
Gabriele Bernardelli works in the industry of Business Intelligence (BI) Software, Software Development & Design, Software.
Who are Gabriele Bernardelli’s peers at other companies?
Gabriele Bernardelli’s peers at other companies are Natanyel Arruda, Clara da Silva, Mariana Milanez, Alice Araujo, Matheus Rocha.
Who are Gabriele Bernardelli’s colleagues?
Some of Gabriele Bernardelli’s colleagues are Felipe Seda Pinto, Zimkhitha Luzipho, Victor Melo, Bianca Ferrentini.
How can I contact Gabriele Bernardelli?
Gabriele Bernardelli contact details: Email address: g***@gove.digital Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Gabriele Bernardelli?

Gabriele Bernardelli is an Analista De Customer Success at Gove based in Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo. Previously, Gabriele was an Estagiária De Customer Success at Gove and also held positions at Cagesp, Etec "Prof Matheus Leite de Abreu.... Read More

Where is Gabriele Bernardelli based?
Gabriele Bernardelli works for Gove, located at Brazil
See more information about Gabriele Bernardelli

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