2023-present (1 year)
Gabriel Uribe Email & Phone number
Gabriel Uribe Current Workplace
388 Market St Ste 1300, San Francisco, California, 94111, United States
Number of Employees
Gabriel Uribe Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
10Average duration at a company (years)
2Number of job titles
10About Gabriel Uribe
Gabriel Uribe is a Lead iOS Developer at Flow Technologies based in Victoria, British Columbia.
Previously, Gabriel was a Student at UCF College of Business and also held positions at Garden Sensation, Flixed.
Gabriel received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Columbia University in the City of New York.
Gabriel Uribe Current Workplace
Flixed is a modern streaming and live TV guide that helps users compare streaming services to find the best options for their viewing preferences. The company provides resources for both live sports and popular TV shows, catering to clients looking to cut the cord and enhance their streaming experience. Additionally, Flixed offers detailed recommendations on streaming devices and VPNs, ensuring a comprehensive solution for online viewers. With local TV listings and a dedicated metadata API, Flixed aims to simplify the streaming landscape for users across the U.S.
Gabriel Uribe Work Experience & Education
Recent News About Gabriel Uribe
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Gabriel Uribe , a software engineer at Flixed who helps wrangle our huge datasets for corporate clients and for our public streaming availability API....
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Gabriel Uribe
Gabriel Uribe is a Lead iOS Developer at Flow Technologies based in Victoria, British Columbia. Previously, Gabriel was a Student at UCF College of Business and also held positions at Garden Sensation, Flixed. Gabriel received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Columbia University in the City of New York....