Funsho Falade

Professor at University of Lagos

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About Funsho Falade

Funsho Falade is a Professor at University of Lagos based in Lagos, Lagos.Explore more

Funsho Falade Current Workplace

University of Lagos

2023-present (1 year)

The University of Lagos, popularly known as UNILAG, is a public research university located in Lagos, Nigeria and was founded in 1962. UNILAG is one of the first generation universities in Nigeria and is ranked among the top universities in the world in major education publications. The university presently has three campuses in the mainland of Lagos. Whereas two of its campuses are located at Yaba (the main campus in Akoka and the recently created campus at the former school of radiography), A visitation panel, created to look into the affairs of the university between 2016 and 2020 detected cases of financial abuses from top officials and ordered the university to close accounts with commercial banks.

Funsho Falade Work Experience & Education

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Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Org Chart - University of Lagos






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    Also speaking, a Professor with UNILAG who also doubles as a member of the Additive Manufacturing Group (AMG), Prof. Funsho Falade , said the conferen...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Funsho Falade

What company does Funsho Falade work for?
Funsho Falade works for University of Lagos as Professor
What is Funsho Falade’s role in University of Lagos?
Funsho Falade’s role in University of Lagos is Professor
What is Funsho Falade’s direct phone number?
Funsho Falade’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Funsho Falade’s work phone number?
Funsho Falade’s headquarters phone number is +234 8023201618
Which industry does Funsho Falade work in?
Funsho Falade works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Funsho Falade’s peers at other companies?
Funsho Falade’s peers at other companies are Hendrik Hofmeyr, Kayode Arowolo, John Boyer, Geoffrey Greene, Jacob Hornik.
Who are Funsho Falade’s colleagues?
Some of Funsho Falade’s colleagues are A.I. Hamid-Mosaku, Dorcas Omeire, Imeh Okon, Oluwatoyin Aremu.
Who is Funsho Falade?

Funsho Falade is a Professor at University of Lagos based in Lagos, Lagos.... Read More

Where is Funsho Falade based?
Funsho Falade works for University of Lagos, located at Nigeria
See more information about Funsho Falade

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