Francisco Trujillo

Supervisor, Warehouse at CFR Rinkens

Francisco Trujillo Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Francisco Trujillo Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Francisco Trujillo Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Francisco Trujillo

Francisco Trujillo is a Supervisor, Warehouse at CFR Rinkens based in Paramount, California. Previously, Francisco was a Receiving Supervisor at CFR Rinkens.

Francisco Trujillo Current Workplace

CFR Rinkens

2018-present (6 years)

CFR Rinkens offers car shipping service worldwide. Well transport vehicles, boats, commercial freight, and household goods. Leave the logistics to us! As the global leader of containerized shipping of used autos, we have a proprietary method for handling cars that puts us ahead of the competition. We use a revolutionary method for stacking cars into ocean containers for shipment. We value your classic, vintage, historic and specialty cars and ensure theyre loaded safely, efficiently and eco-friendly. CFR Rinkens truly changed the future of car shipping forever. Testament to our expertise and authority, were partnered with some of the biggest corporate names in the industry. Tesla Motors chose CFR Rinkens to be their premier global car shipping partner. Since 2013, CFR Rinkens has exported tens of thousands of Teslas Model S to Europe and Asia. Though car shipping is our specialty, much of our business is in commercial cargo. Weve worked with Fortune 500 companies and major manufacturerSee more

Francisco Trujillo Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Receiving Supervisor

CFR Rinkens


Receiving Supervisor

CFR Rinkens


Safety & Tools Specialist

CFR Rinkens


Inventory Control Specialist

CFR Rinkens


Org Chart - CFR Rinkens

Francisco Trujillo

Supervisor, Warehouse

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Francisco Trujillo

What company does Francisco Trujillo work for?
Francisco Trujillo works for CFR Rinkens as Supervisor, Warehouse
What is Francisco Trujillo’s role in CFR Rinkens?
Francisco Trujillo’s role in CFR Rinkens is Supervisor, Warehouse
What is Francisco Trujillo’s email address?
Francisco Trujillo’s email address is f***@cfrrinkens.com
What is Francisco Trujillo’s business email address?
Francisco Trujillo’s business email address is f***@cfrrinkens.com
What is Francisco Trujillo’s direct phone number?
Francisco Trujillo’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Francisco Trujillo’s work phone number?
Francisco Trujillo’s headquarters phone number is (310) 223-0474
What is Francisco Trujillo’s latest job experience?
Francisco Trujillo’s latest job experience is Receiving Supervisor at CFR Rinkens
Which industry does Francisco Trujillo work in?
Francisco Trujillo works in the industry of Freight & Logistics Services, Transportation.
Who are Francisco Trujillo’s peers at other companies?
Francisco Trujillo’s peers at other companies are Felix Allende, Jon Lai, Krishna Dhakal, Francois Grobbelaar, Madison Rodgers.
Who are Francisco Trujillo’s colleagues?
Some of Francisco Trujillo’s colleagues are Sharon Graffia, Jesus Garrido, Jaynesh Ram, Paul Pallan.
How can I contact Francisco Trujillo?
Francisco Trujillo contact details: Email address: f***@cfrrinkens.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Francisco Trujillo?

Francisco Trujillo is a Supervisor, Warehouse at CFR Rinkens based in Paramount, California. Previously, Francisco was a Receiving Supervisor at CFR Rinkens....

Where is Francisco Trujillo based?
Francisco Trujillo works for CFR Rinkens, located at United States