
Fran Abrams

Artist at Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County

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(***) ***-****

Fran Abrams Current Workplace



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Fran Abrams Work Experience Summary

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About Fran Abrams

Fran Abrams is an Artist at Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County based in Silver Spring, Maryland. Previously, Fran was an Artist at Fran Abrams and also held positions at Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County. Fran received a B. A. degree from Miami University and a M. A. from University of North Carolina , Chapel Hill.Explore more

Fran Abrams Current Workplace

Since 1976, the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County (AHCMC) has been Montgomery County, MDs designated local arts agency. The mission of the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County (AHCMC) is to provide leadership that sustains arts and humanities organizations, artists and scholars and inspires participation in our Countys rich cultural assets. Through our grants, programs, and services, we provide the infrastructure and support necessary to maintain a robust creative community that includes over 450 cultural organizations and 1,500 artists and scholars.

Fran Abrams Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Betty Mae Kramer Gallery and Music Room

Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County


Director of Grants

Arts & Humanities Council of Montgomery County, MD



Fran Abrams




B. A. - Art and Architecture

Miami University

M. A. - Urban and Regional Planning

University of North Carolina , Chapel Hill

Org Chart - Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Fran Abrams

What company does Fran Abrams work for?
Fran Abrams works for Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County as Artist
What is Fran Abrams’s role in Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County?
Fran Abrams’s role in Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County is Artist
What is Fran Abrams’s email address?
Fran Abrams’s email address is j***@creativemoco.com
What is Fran Abrams’s business email address?
Fran Abrams’s business email address is j***@creativemoco.com
What is Fran Abrams’s direct phone number?
Fran Abrams’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Fran Abrams’s work phone number?
Fran Abrams’s headquarters phone number is (301) 565-3805
What is Fran Abrams’s latest job experience?
Fran Abrams’s latest job experience is Manager, Betty Mae Kramer Gallery and Music Room at Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County
What is Fran Abrams’s latest education?
Fran Abrams’s latest education in B. A. - Art and Architecture at Miami University
Which industry does Fran Abrams work in?
Fran Abrams works in the industry of Museums & Art Galleries, Cultural.
Who are Fran Abrams’s peers at other companies?
Fran Abrams’s peers at other companies are Shawn Walker, Marte Szirmay, Kevin Brewerton, Joanne Griggs, Alexia Trzyna.
Who are Fran Abrams’s colleagues?
Some of Fran Abrams’s colleagues are Krystle Seit, Takenya LaViscount, Joe Frandoni, Brittney Dubose.
How can I contact Fran Abrams?
Fran Abrams contact details: Email address: j***@creativemoco.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Fran Abrams?

Fran Abrams is an Artist at Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County based in Silver Spring, Maryland. Previously, Fran was an Artist at Fran Abrams and also held positions at Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County. Fran received a B. A. degree from Miami University and a M. A. from University of North Carolina , Chapel Hill.... Read More

Where is Fran Abrams based?
Fran Abrams works for Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County, located at United States
See more information about Fran Abrams

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