Florencia Alberio

Director, People at Insside

Florencia Alberio Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Florencia Alberio Current Workplace




Number of Employees

Florencia Alberio Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Florencia Alberio

Florencia Alberio is a Manager, Human Capital at Edrans based in Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Previously, Florencia was a Manager, Human Resources at IT Resources S.A and also held positions at Accenture, QBE Seguros La Buenos Aires.Explore more

Florencia Alberio Current Workplace


2023-present (2 years)

Insside is founded with the mission of meeting the needs and expectations of its customers, in the field of Information Security. We offer high quality services and projects. Thus we've certified our auditing, consulting, design, development and managed security solutions implementation processes under ISO 9001:2015. Our team designs, develops, implements and manages information security services and solutions which are robust, innovative and aligned to business requirements. We are proud of our performance in the security market. We build with our customers, suppliers and employees lasting and trustworthly relationships. Their unconditional choice is the best evidence of the added value we offer. Our mission is to create a solid information security culture in our customers, partners and employees. We develop in our staff a strong sense of belonging, ensuring their active participation in the ongoing development of the company. We carry out large projects using the latest technology,See more

Florencia Alberio Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Human Resources

Netrix Global


Manager, Human Capital



Manager, Human Resources

IT Resources S.A


HR Operations Lead (Argentina)



Org Chart - Insside


Director, People




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Florencia Alberio

What company does Florencia Alberio work for?
Florencia Alberio works for Insside as Director, People
What is Florencia Alberio’s role in Insside?
Florencia Alberio’s role in Insside is Director, People
What is Florencia Alberio’s email address?
Florencia Alberio’s email address is f***@insside.net
What is Florencia Alberio’s business email address?
Florencia Alberio’s business email address is f***@insside.net
What is Florencia Alberio’s direct phone number?
Florencia Alberio’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Florencia Alberio’s latest job experience?
Florencia Alberio’s latest job experience is Manager, Human Resources at Netrix Global
Which industry does Florencia Alberio work in?
Florencia Alberio works in the industry of Security Products & Services, Business Services.
Who are Florencia Alberio’s peers at other companies?
Florencia Alberio’s peers at other companies are Brigitte Gendron, Amanda Bossie.
Who are Florencia Alberio’s colleagues?
Some of Florencia Alberio’s colleagues are Milagros Pralon, Pablo Durán, Matias Bravo, Tomas Gallo.
How can I contact Florencia Alberio?
Florencia Alberio contact details: Email address: f***@insside.net Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Florencia Alberio?

Florencia Alberio is a Manager, Human Capital at Edrans based in Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Previously, Florencia was a Manager, Human Resources at IT Resources S.A and also held positions at Accenture, QBE Seguros La Buenos Aires.... Read More

Where is Florencia Alberio based?
Florencia Alberio works for Insside, located at Argentina
See more information about Florencia Alberio

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