Fernanda Bernardelli

Analista De RH Pleno at Grupo Rubaiyat

Fernanda Bernardelli Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Fernanda Bernardelli Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Fernanda Bernardelli Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Fernanda Bernardelli

Fernanda Bernardelli is an Analista De RH Pleno at Grupo Rubaiyat based in Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. Previously, Fernanda was an Analista De RH at Alife Group and also held positions at Grupo INOVAGE, TUF Logstica, Terapia de Bolso - Consultório Digital, Flypsi, Nortel Engenharia.Explore more

Fernanda Bernardelli Current Workplace

Grupo Rubaiyat

2023-present (2 years)

We are pioneers of the "farm-to-table" concept: we raise premium breeds of cattle, pork, and poultry, and our entire production is intended to supply our restaurants. We can also call it "sea-to-table" considering how picky we are when ing food suppliers for our Mediterranean cuisine. All the group's units boast an elegant wine cellar, an absolute must for wine lovers. Our facilities have a distinguished architecture, rustic and elegant furniture, that make our atmosphere look pleasant and cozy. A caring and professional service reflects our commitment to do it right. All this is to make your lunch, dinner, or event an amazing and memorable moment, so you always feel like coming back again. Rubaiyat Group owns 9 restaurants in 5 countries: Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and Spain.

Fernanda Bernardelli Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Analista De RH

Alife Group


Technology Recruiter



Analista De Recrutamento E Seleção Pleno

TUF Logstica


Psicólogo Clínico

Terapia de Bolso - Consultório Digital


Org Chart - Grupo Rubaiyat


Analista De RH Pleno




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Fernanda Bernardelli

What company does Fernanda Bernardelli work for?
Fernanda Bernardelli works for Grupo Rubaiyat as Analista De RH Pleno
What is Fernanda Bernardelli’s role in Grupo Rubaiyat?
Fernanda Bernardelli’s role in Grupo Rubaiyat is Analista De RH Pleno
What is Fernanda Bernardelli’s email address?
Fernanda Bernardelli’s email address is f***@patio.cl
What is Fernanda Bernardelli’s business email address?
Fernanda Bernardelli’s business email address is f***@patio.cl
What is Fernanda Bernardelli’s direct phone number?
Fernanda Bernardelli’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Fernanda Bernardelli’s work phone number?
Fernanda Bernardelli’s headquarters phone number is +55 1130871399
What is Fernanda Bernardelli’s latest job experience?
Fernanda Bernardelli’s latest job experience is Analista De RH at Alife Group
Which industry does Fernanda Bernardelli work in?
Fernanda Bernardelli works in the industry of Restaurants, Hospitality.
Who are Fernanda Bernardelli’s peers at other companies?
Fernanda Bernardelli’s peers at other companies are Eulalia Ferreira, Walisson de Souza, Pâmela Rodrigues, Mateus Moreira, Alessandra Serafim.
Who are Fernanda Bernardelli’s colleagues?
Some of Fernanda Bernardelli’s colleagues are Humberto Moretti, Rosmito Mabbayad, Jose Teixeira Silva, Mariana Garcia.
How can I contact Fernanda Bernardelli?
Fernanda Bernardelli contact details: Email address: f***@patio.cl Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Fernanda Bernardelli?

Fernanda Bernardelli is an Analista De RH Pleno at Grupo Rubaiyat based in Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. Previously, Fernanda was an Analista De RH at Alife Group and also held positions at Grupo INOVAGE, TUF Logstica, Terapia de Bolso - Consultório Digital, Flypsi, Nortel Engenharia.... Read More

Where is Fernanda Bernardelli based?
Fernanda Bernardelli works for Grupo Rubaiyat, located at Brazil
See more information about Fernanda Bernardelli

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