Fattah Hermana

Manager, Human Resources & Business Unit Support at PT Triguna Internusa Pratama

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Fattah Hermana Current Workplace



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Fattah Hermana Work Experience Summary

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About Fattah Hermana

Fattah Hermana is a Manager, Human Resources & Business Unit Support at PT Triguna Internusa Pratama based in Melati. Previously, Fattah was a HRGA Manager at Lintas Multi Benua Group and also held positions at TIMAH, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. Fattah received a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering degree from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November and a Master of Business Administration from Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.Explore more

Fattah Hermana Current Workplace

PT Triguna Internusa Pratama

2015-present (9 years)

PT Triguna Internusa Pratama (TIP) is a subsidiary of PT Rukun Raharja Tbk (RAJA), a holding company that is developing its business into an integrated upstream-to-downstream energy provider, focusing on four main business pillars, namely oil and gas infrastructure, gas trading, power generation, and upstream energy business. TIP has expanded its line of business by acquiring two subsidiaries; PT Trimitra Cipta Mandiri (Operation and Maintenance) and PT Bravo Delta Persada (clean water supply facility)

Fattah Hermana Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior HC Manager

Arga Bangun Bangsa


HRGA Manager

Lintas Multi Benua Group


Kepala Bagian Perecanaan SDM



Project Engineer

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk




Bachelor of Industrial Engineering

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November

Master of Business Administration - Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, General

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM

Org Chart - PT Triguna Internusa Pratama


Manager, Human Resources & Business...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Fattah Hermana

What company does Fattah Hermana work for?
Fattah Hermana works for PT Triguna Internusa Pratama as Manager, Human Resources & Business Unit Support
What is Fattah Hermana’s role in PT Triguna Internusa Pratama?
Fattah Hermana’s role in PT Triguna Internusa Pratama is Manager, Human Resources & Business Unit Support
What is Fattah Hermana’s direct phone number?
Fattah Hermana’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Fattah Hermana’s work phone number?
Fattah Hermana’s headquarters phone number is +62 2123579802
What is Fattah Hermana’s latest job experience?
Fattah Hermana’s latest job experience is Senior HC Manager at Arga Bangun Bangsa
What is Fattah Hermana’s latest education?
Fattah Hermana’s latest education in Bachelor of Industrial Engineering at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November
Which industry does Fattah Hermana work in?
Fattah Hermana works in the industry of Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment General, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment.
Who are Fattah Hermana’s colleagues?
Some of Fattah Hermana’s colleagues are Rivanodi Rivanodi, Achmat Syaifullah, Vatera Arifin, Pathur Sunaryo.
Who is Fattah Hermana?

Fattah Hermana is a Manager, Human Resources & Business Unit Support at PT Triguna Internusa Pratama based in Melati. Previously, Fattah was a HRGA Manager at Lintas Multi Benua Group and also held positions at TIMAH, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. Fattah received a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering degree from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November... and a Master of Business Administration from Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.Read More

Where is Fattah Hermana based?
Fattah Hermana works for PT Triguna Internusa Pratama, located at Indonesia
See more information about Fattah Hermana

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