Faris Alshammari

Accountant at Saudi Power Transformers

Faris Alshammari Email & Phone number

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Faris Alshammari Current Workplace


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Faris Alshammari Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


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About Faris Alshammari

Faris Alshammari is an Accountant at Saudi Power Transformers. They are responsible for various accounting tasks and financial reporting. Previously, Faris held the position of Accounts Payable Intern with The Royal Commission for AlUla. Faris holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, where they gained valuable experience in the field of accounting and finance.Explore more

Faris Alshammari Current Workplace

Saudi Power Transformers

2023-present (1 year)

It was established in 2010 as a Joint venture between Saudi Transformers Co. Ltd. (51%) and CG Power Systems-Belgium (formerly known as Pauwels - Belgium) (49%). The factory is under the licensing agreement from CG Power Systems-Belgium to use Pauwels technology. More than 600 Pauwels' Power Transformers are currently in use throughout Saudi Arabia up to 500 MVA. The factory in Saudi Arabia is the latest addition to the CG Power Systems' manufacturing facilities network across the world in 7 other countries: Belgium, Ireland, Hungary, Canada, USA, India and Indonesia. Since 1947, Pauwels has stood for innovative, high quality and reliable Transformers with due respect to the environment and service to customers around the world. Pauwels was acquired by CG in 2005. Head Ofce & Factory

Faris Alshammari Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Accounts Payable Intern

The Royal Commission for AlUla


Org Chart - Saudi Power Transformers






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Faris Alshammari

What company does Faris Alshammari work for?
Faris Alshammari works for Saudi Power Transformers as Accountant
What is Faris Alshammari’s role in Saudi Power Transformers?
Faris Alshammari’s role in Saudi Power Transformers is Accountant
What is Faris Alshammari’s email address?
Faris Alshammari’s email address is a***@sptc.com.sa
What is Faris Alshammari’s business email address?
Faris Alshammari’s business email address is a***@sptc.com.sa
What is Faris Alshammari’s direct phone number?
Faris Alshammari’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Faris Alshammari’s work phone number?
Faris Alshammari’s headquarters phone number is +966 138144622
What is Faris Alshammari’s latest job experience?
Faris Alshammari’s latest job experience is Accounts Payable Intern at The Royal Commission for AlUla
Which industry does Faris Alshammari work in?
Faris Alshammari works in the industry of Industrial Machinery & Equipment, Manufacturing.
Who are Faris Alshammari’s peers at other companies?
Faris Alshammari’s peers at other companies are Santosh Rajurkar, Mary Jones, Trudy Parks, Farhana Butool, Mia Lu.
Who are Faris Alshammari’s colleagues?
Some of Faris Alshammari’s colleagues are Usher Rie, Ayoub Hourani, Muhammad Imran Hanif, Farhan Ahmed.
How can I contact Faris Alshammari?
Faris Alshammari contact details: Email address: a***@sptc.com.sa Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Faris Alshammari?

Faris Alshammari is an Accountant at Saudi Power Transformers. They are responsible for various accounting tasks and financial reporting. Previously, Faris held the position of Accounts Payable Intern with The Royal Commission for AlUla. Faris holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, where they ga... ined valuable experience in the field of accounting and finance.Read More

Where is Faris Alshammari based?
Faris Alshammari works for Saudi Power Transformers, located at Saudi Arabia
See more information about Faris Alshammari

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