2012-present (12 years)
Farai Chitongo
Technical Director & Chief Executive Officer at Diagnosis and Sensors
Farai Chitongo Email & Phone number
Farai Chitongo Current Workplace
3 Robert Mugabe Rd, Harare,Zimbabwe
Phone Number
+263 772974846
Number of Employees
Farai Chitongo Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
3Average duration at a company (years)
6Number of job titles
3About Farai Chitongo
Farai Chitongo works as a Technical Director & Chief Executive Officer at Diagnosis and Sensors, which is a Food & Beverage company. Their management level is C-Level. Farai is currently based in Harare, Harare. They used to work at Barclays Investment Bank and Indipendant Accuarial Consultants. Found email listings include: f***@diagnosisandsensors.co.zw.Explore more
Farai Chitongo Current Workplace
Diagnosis and Sensors
Diagnosis & Sensors is a specialist in motor vehicle diagnosis, troubleshooting, auto-repairs, selling parts and accessories.
Farai Chitongo Work Experience & Education
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