
Fabricio Zorzella

Autônomo at Uber

Fabricio Zorzella Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Fabricio Zorzella Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Fabricio Zorzella Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Fabricio Zorzella

Fabricio Zorzella is an Autônomo at Uber based in San Francisco, California. Previously, Fabricio was a Recuperador De Credito at Paschoalotto and also held positions at CODASP - Companhia de Desenvolvimento Agrícola de São Paulo.Explore more

Fabricio Zorzella Current Workplace


2018-present (7 years)

Founded in 2009. Uber is a transportation company that assists customers in getting from point A to point B. The company also researches technologies for self-driving vehicles, urban air transport, food delivery, removing barriers to healthcare, creating freight-booking solutions, and employee travel experiences. Uber is headquartered in San Francisco, California.

Fabricio Zorzella Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Recuperador De Credito



Assistente Administrativo

Delegacia da Receita Federal


Org Chart - Uber






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Fabricio Zorzella

What company does Fabricio Zorzella work for?
Fabricio Zorzella works for Uber as Autônomo
What is Fabricio Zorzella’s role in Uber?
Fabricio Zorzella’s role in Uber is Autônomo
What is Fabricio Zorzella’s direct phone number?
Fabricio Zorzella’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Fabricio Zorzella’s work phone number?
Fabricio Zorzella’s headquarters phone number is (415) 612-8582
What is Fabricio Zorzella’s latest job experience?
Fabricio Zorzella’s latest job experience is Recuperador De Credito at Paschoalotto
Which industry does Fabricio Zorzella work in?
Fabricio Zorzella works in the industry of Rail, Bus & Taxi, Transportation.
Who are Fabricio Zorzella’s peers at other companies?
Fabricio Zorzella’s peers at other companies are Rodrigo Rocha, Glauberto Da Silva Gonçalves, Rafael de Oliveira, Ygo Leite, Paulo Sousa Barbosa.
Who are Fabricio Zorzella’s colleagues?
Some of Fabricio Zorzella’s colleagues are Chetan Sastry, Katie Tanimasa, Thomas Gamache, Michelle Loar.
Who is Fabricio Zorzella?

Fabricio Zorzella is an Autônomo at Uber based in San Francisco, California. Previously, Fabricio was a Recuperador De Credito at Paschoalotto and also held positions at CODASP - Companhia de Desenvolvimento Agrícola de São Paulo.... Read More

Where is Fabricio Zorzella based?
Fabricio Zorzella works for Uber, located at United States
See more information about Fabricio Zorzella

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