Evonne Pien

Administrator at IvyMax

Evonne Pien Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Evonne Pien Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Evonne Pien Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Evonne Pien

Evonne Pien is an Administrator at IvyMax based in Fremont, California. Previously, Evonne was a Teacher Assistant at Mandarin Daily News and also held positions at University of California - San Diego.

Evonne Pien Current Workplace


2020-present (4 years)

IvyMax (formerly Vanteus) helps high-achieving students prepare exceptionally well for, and get accepted by, top-tier universities and colleges. As Northern California's leading education technology and service provider for test preparation and college counseling, IvyMax has benefited thousands of elementary, middle, and high school students and has consistently delivered industry-best results since 2004.

Evonne Pien Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Undergraduate Student

University of California - San Diego


Teacher Assistant

Mandarin Daily News


Private Tutor



Org Chart - IvyMax

Evonne Pien


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Evonne Pien

What company does Evonne Pien work for?
Evonne Pien works for IvyMax as Administrator
What is Evonne Pien’s role in IvyMax?
Evonne Pien’s role in IvyMax is Administrator
What is Evonne Pien’s direct phone number?
Evonne Pien’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Evonne Pien’s work phone number?
Evonne Pien’s headquarters phone number is (650) 996-5678
What is Evonne Pien’s latest job experience?
Evonne Pien’s latest job experience is Undergraduate Student at University of California - San Diego
Which industry does Evonne Pien work in?
Evonne Pien works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are Evonne Pien’s peers at other companies?
Evonne Pien’s peers at other companies are Tim Shelton, Deborah Samuelson, Tina Homan, Carol Shawver, Lois Blackwell.
Who are Evonne Pien’s colleagues?
Some of Evonne Pien’s colleagues are Michael Huang, Sherry Yang, Kevin Zhang, Wen Zhu.
Who is Evonne Pien?

Evonne Pien is an Administrator at IvyMax based in Fremont, California. Previously, Evonne was a Teacher Assistant at Mandarin Daily News and also held positions at University of California - San Diego....

Where is Evonne Pien based?
Evonne Pien works for IvyMax, located at United States