Everlita Lopez

Relationship Manager at Find A Business Online

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(***) ***-****

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About Everlita Lopez

Everlita Lopez is a Relationship Manager at Find A Business Online, based in New York City, United States. They are responsible for fostering strong client relationships and driving business growth. Everlita holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan, where they developed a strong foundation in business management and customer service.Explore more

Everlita Lopez Current Workplace

Find A Business Online

2023-present (2 years)

We are committed to helping as many people as we possibly can identify if business ownership is for them or not. If it is, we are determined to find the right business, at the right time for our clients. This service and resource is and will always be free for our clients. Exploring the potential of business ownership should not have to be something that is done alone. We envision a new marketplace for aspiring entrepreneurs interested in business ownership. We do this through a systematic approach rooted in process and procedure. Getting to know our clients fully prior to presenting franchise concepts is our key differentiator. We are a Franchise Consulting Company but with a very unique approach. We are here to serve both individuals and investment groups including private equity interested in exploring franchise ownership.

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Relationship Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Everlita Lopez

What company does Everlita Lopez work for?
Everlita Lopez works for Find A Business Online as Relationship Manager
What is Everlita Lopez’s role in Find A Business Online?
Everlita Lopez’s role in Find A Business Online is Relationship Manager
What is Everlita Lopez’s direct phone number?
Everlita Lopez’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Everlita Lopez’s work phone number?
Everlita Lopez’s headquarters phone number is (833) 363-2249
Which industry does Everlita Lopez work in?
Everlita Lopez works in the industry of Investment Banking, Finance.
Who are Everlita Lopez’s peers at other companies?
Everlita Lopez’s peers at other companies are Kevin Vasquez, Daniel Daffern, Elizabeth OSullivan, Zaida Jackson, Winston Leong.
Who are Everlita Lopez’s colleagues?
Some of Everlita Lopez’s colleagues are Jamaica Soriano, Erika Latao, John Redondo, Phoebe Solas.
Who is Everlita Lopez?

Everlita Lopez is a Relationship Manager at Find A Business Online, based in New York City, United States. They are responsible for fostering strong client relationships and driving business growth. Everlita holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan, where they developed a strong foundation in bus... iness management and customer service.Read More

Where is Everlita Lopez based?
Everlita Lopez works for Find A Business Online, located at United States
See more information about Everlita Lopez

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