
Evan Harston

DCIM Engineer at Verizon

Evan Harston Email & Phone number


(916) ***-****

Evan Harston Current Workplace





Number of Employees

Evan Harston Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Evan Harston

Evan Harston is a DCIM Engineer at Verizon based in New York City, New York. Previously, Evan was a Senior Linux Engineer at Verizon and also held positions at Micron Technology, McKesson Europe, SMUD, Franklin Templeton. Evan received a Associate of Arts degree from American River College.

Evan Harston Current Workplace


2017-present (7 years)

Verizon Communications Inc., through its subsidiaries, provides communications, information, and entertainment products and services to consumers, businesses, and governmental agencies worldwide. Its Wireless segment offers wireless voice and data services; messaging services; wireless Internet access services on notebook computers and tablets; multimedia access services; business-focused services; location-based services; global data services; home phone connect services; high-speed Internet service; and network access and value added services to support wireless connections for the Internet of Things (IoT). This segment also provides IoT services that support devices used in health monitoring, education, manufacturing, utilities, distribution, and consumer products markets, as well as offers wireless devices, including smartphones and basic phones, tablets, and other Internet access devices. As of December 31, 2015, it had 112.1 million retail connections. The companys Wireline segmeSee more

Evan Harston Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Linux Engineer



TSM Administrator

Micron Technology


TSM Administrator

Micron Technology


Backup & Recovery Administrator

McKesson Europe




Associate of Arts

American River College

Org Chart - Verizon

Evan Harston

DCIM Engineer

Recent News About Evan Harston

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Evan Harston

What company does Evan Harston work for?
Evan Harston works for Verizon as DCIM Engineer
What is Evan Harston’s role in Verizon?
Evan Harston’s role in Verizon is DCIM Engineer
What is Evan Harston’s email address?
Evan Harston’s email address is e***@verizonwireless.com
What is Evan Harston’s business email address?
Evan Harston’s business email address is e***@verizonwireless.com
What is Evan Harston’s direct phone number?
Evan Harston’s direct phone number is (916) ***-****
What is Evan Harston’s work phone number?
Evan Harston’s headquarters phone number is (212) 395-1000
What is Evan Harston’s latest job experience?
Evan Harston’s latest job experience is Senior Linux Engineer at Verizon
What is Evan Harston’s latest education?
Evan Harston’s latest education in Associate of Arts at American River College
Which industry does Evan Harston work in?
Evan Harston works in the industry of Telephony & Wireless, Telecommunications.
Who are Evan Harston’s peers at other companies?
Evan Harston’s peers at other companies are Melvin Polk.
Who are Evan Harston’s colleagues?
Some of Evan Harston’s colleagues are Aris Butts, George Branch, Jeanette Hodges, Jonathan Rotondo.
How can I contact Evan Harston?
Evan Harston contact details: Email address: e***@verizonwireless.com Phone number: (916) ***-****
Who is Evan Harston?

Evan Harston is a DCIM Engineer at Verizon based in New York City, New York. Previously, Evan was a Senior Linux Engineer at Verizon and also held positions at Micron Technology, McKesson Europe, SMUD, Franklin Templeton. Evan received a Associate of Arts degree from American River College....

Where is Evan Harston based?
Evan Harston works for Verizon, located at United States