2024-present (1 year)
Evan Ghidinelli
Technical Program Manager at Guidewire Software
Evan Ghidinelli Email & Phone number
Evan Ghidinelli Current Workplace
970 Park Pl Ste 200, San Mateo, California, 94403, United States
Phone Number
(650) 357-9100
Number of Employees
Evan Ghidinelli Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
5Average duration at a company (years)
4Number of job titles
6About Evan Ghidinelli
Evan Ghidinelli is a Technical Program Manager at Guidewire Software based in San Mateo, California.
Previously, Evan was a Project Manager at MeetMe and also held positions at The Meet Group, D2C Games, Visual Concepts.
Evan received a Associate of applied science degree from Expression College for Digital Arts.
Evan Ghidinelli Current Workplace
Guidewire Software
At Guidewire, we are utterly committed to your success. We combine digital, core, analytics, and AI to deliver our platform as a cloud service. And with the largest R&D team, services team, and partner ecosystem in the industry, we continually evolve and innovate to meet your needs.
Evan Ghidinelli Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Evan Ghidinelli
Evan Ghidinelli is a Technical Program Manager at Guidewire Software based in San Mateo, California. Previously, Evan was a Project Manager at MeetMe and also held positions at The Meet Group, D2C Games, Visual Concepts. Evan received a Associate of applied science degree from Expression College for Digital Arts....