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Recent News About Eva Ngigi-Sarwari
Executives - Free Online Library
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Visa Kenya Country Manager, Eva Ngigi-Sarwari and Pesaflow CEO, Evid Sibi during the strategic partnership signing ceremony between Visa and Pesaflow ...Visa Partners With Pesaflow To Enhance Digital Govt Ecosystems - CIO Africa
Visa Kenya Country Manager, Eva Ngigi-Sarwari and Pesaflow CEO, Evid Sibi during the strategic partnership signing ceremony between Visa and Pesaflow ...Copia and Visa Forge a 5-Year Alliance To Transform E-Commerce Landscape in Kenya - Tuvuti
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Eva Ngigi-Sarwari
Eva Ngigi-Sarwari is a Group Director, Payments at Equity based in Nairobi, Nairobi Area. Previously, Eva was a Senior Director and Country Manager at Visa and also held positions at Sc Ventures, Standard Chartered, Stanbic Bank Kenya, The Co-operative Bank of Kenya, Kenya Wine Agencies. Eva received a Bachelor of Business degree from Moi Univers... Read More