Ernest Bandelin

Plant Manager at idX

Ernest Bandelin Email & Phone number


(937) ***-****

Ernest Bandelin Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Ernest Bandelin Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Ernest Bandelin

Ernest Bandelin is a Plant Manager at idX based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Previously, Ernest was a Quality Senior Engineer at MasterBrand Cabinets.

Ernest Bandelin Current Workplace


2014-present (11 years)

IDX Corporation, headquartered in Earth City, Missouri, is a manufacturer of consumer environments. They serve retail, financial, financial, hospitality and point-of-purchase markets. They specialize in wood, metal, glass, acrylic, vacuum forming, injection molding, laminate, veneer and material integration.

Ernest Bandelin Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Quality Senior Engineer

MasterBrand Cabinets


Org Chart - idX

Ernest Bandelin

Plant Manager

Intent on Ernest Bandelin's Company


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ernest Bandelin

What company does Ernest Bandelin work for?
Ernest Bandelin works for idX as Plant Manager
What is Ernest Bandelin’s role in idX?
Ernest Bandelin’s role in idX is Plant Manager
What is Ernest Bandelin’s direct phone number?
Ernest Bandelin’s direct phone number is (937) ***-****
What is Ernest Bandelin’s work phone number?
Ernest Bandelin’s headquarters phone number is (844) 249-4633
What is Ernest Bandelin’s latest job experience?
Ernest Bandelin’s latest job experience is Quality Senior Engineer at MasterBrand Cabinets
Which industry does Ernest Bandelin work in?
Ernest Bandelin works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are Ernest Bandelin’s peers at other companies?
Ernest Bandelin’s peers at other companies are Joseph Lucas, Prasanna Senapati, Dean Joannides, Abdullah Hasayen, Tyler Waschow.
Who are Ernest Bandelin’s colleagues?
Some of Ernest Bandelin’s colleagues are Kathleen Henson, Andy Nguyen, Ranee Royer, Anton Krivosudsky.
Who is Ernest Bandelin?

Ernest Bandelin is a Plant Manager at idX based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Previously, Ernest was a Quality Senior Engineer at MasterBrand Cabinets....

Where is Ernest Bandelin based?
Ernest Bandelin works for idX, located at United States