Erin Dunning

Caregivers at Progressive Rehab Clinic

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Erin Dunning Current Workplace



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About Erin Dunning

Erin Dunning is a Caregivers at Progressive Rehab Clinic based in Brampton, Ontario.Explore more

Erin Dunning Current Workplace

Progressive Rehab Clinic

2023-present (2 years)

Progressive Rehab Clinic is a premier multidisciplinary physiotherapy facility located in the Greater Toronto Area, specifically serving clients in Brampton, Mississauga, and Scarborough. They provide a comprehensive range of treatments including physiotherapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, and psychological assessments, all aiming to assist patients in recovering from injuries and enhancing overall well-being. Committed to delivering cost-efficient and high-quality healthcare, Progressive Rehab Clinic develops customized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs. The clinic fosters long-lasting relationships with clients, ensuring a supportive environment for healing and rehabilitation.

Org Chart - Progressive Rehab Clinic






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Erin Dunning

What company does Erin Dunning work for?
Erin Dunning works for Progressive Rehab Clinic as Caregivers
What is Erin Dunning’s role in Progressive Rehab Clinic?
Erin Dunning’s role in Progressive Rehab Clinic is Caregivers
What is Erin Dunning’s direct phone number?
Erin Dunning’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Erin Dunning’s work phone number?
Erin Dunning’s headquarters phone number is (905) 913-1107
Which industry does Erin Dunning work in?
Erin Dunning works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Erin Dunning’s peers at other companies?
Erin Dunning’s peers at other companies are Monica Ortiz, Gwen Mccullers, Maria Ponce, Florence Mutsikwa, Frances Sowards.
Who are Erin Dunning’s colleagues?
Some of Erin Dunning’s colleagues are Roopali Neemuchwala, Shruti Mathur, Jeffrey DeMello, Shilpa Patel.
Who is Erin Dunning?

Erin Dunning is a Caregivers at Progressive Rehab Clinic based in Brampton, Ontario.... Read More

Where is Erin Dunning based?
Erin Dunning works for Progressive Rehab Clinic, located at Canada
See more information about Erin Dunning

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