
Erin Clarelli

Owner and Occupational Therapist at SUNRISE Therapies

Erin Clarelli Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Erin Clarelli Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Erin Clarelli Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


Last Update 12/17/2024 10:54 PM

About Erin Clarelli

Erin Clarelli is an Owner and Occupational Therapist at SUNRISE Therapies based in Poway, California. Previously, Erin was an Occupational Therapist Consultant at Carmel Mountain Preschool and also held positions at Cortica, KIDS Therapy Associates, Give It Your All Sports, East End Kids Therapy, Western Suffolk Boces, North Shore-Lij Health System. Erin received a master's degree degree from Stony Brook University.

Erin Clarelli Current Workplace

SUNRISE Therapies

2021-present (4 years)

SUNRISE Therapies Inc is a company that operates in the Medical Specialists industry. It employs 10to19 people and has 1Mto5M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Poway, California.

Erin Clarelli Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director, Sensorimotor & Communication Therapies



Occupational Therapist



Occupational Therapist Consultant

Carmel Mountain Preschool


Occupational Therapist

KIDS Therapy Associates




master's degree

Stony Brook University


Org Chart - SUNRISE Therapies

Erin Clarelli

Owner and Occupational Therapist

Recent News About Erin Clarelli

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    San Diego

    Erin Clarelli Erin Clarelli , MS, OTR/L Director of Sensorimotor and Communication Therapies, San Diego Erin is an occupational therapist who ha...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Erin Clarelli

What company does Erin Clarelli work for?
Erin Clarelli works for SUNRISE Therapies as Owner and Occupational Therapist
What is Erin Clarelli’s role in SUNRISE Therapies?
Erin Clarelli’s role in SUNRISE Therapies is Owner and Occupational Therapist
What is Erin Clarelli’s email address?
Erin Clarelli’s email address is e***@sunrisetherapiesinc.com
What is Erin Clarelli’s business email address?
Erin Clarelli’s business email address is e***@sunrisetherapiesinc.com
What is Erin Clarelli’s direct phone number?
Erin Clarelli’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Erin Clarelli’s work phone number?
Erin Clarelli’s headquarters phone number is (619) 352-0252
What is Erin Clarelli’s latest job experience?
Erin Clarelli’s latest job experience is Director, Sensorimotor & Communication Therapies at Cortica
What is Erin Clarelli’s latest education?
Erin Clarelli’s latest education in master's degree at Stony Brook University
Which industry does Erin Clarelli work in?
Erin Clarelli works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Erin Clarelli’s peers at other companies?
Erin Clarelli’s peers at other companies are Jennica Colvin, Darly Thoppil, Babita Gill, Rumy Petkov, Allison McCauley.
Who are Erin Clarelli’s colleagues?
Some of Erin Clarelli’s colleagues are Kristin McConnell.
How can I contact Erin Clarelli?
Erin Clarelli contact details: Email address: e***@sunrisetherapiesinc.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Erin Clarelli?

Erin Clarelli is an Owner and Occupational Therapist at SUNRISE Therapies based in Poway, California. Previously, Erin was an Occupational Therapist Consultant at Carmel Mountain Preschool and also held positions at Cortica, KIDS Therapy Associates, Give It Your All Sports, East End Kids Therapy, Western Suffolk Boces, North Shore-Lij Health Syste... m. Erin received a master's degree degree from Stony Brook University.

Where is Erin Clarelli based?
Erin Clarelli works for SUNRISE Therapies, located at United States
Who is SUNRISE Therapies’s Owner and Occupational Therapist?
SUNRISE Therapies's Owner and Occupational Therapist is Erin Clarelli