
Erin Byington

Director, Operations at Camelot Wealth Management

Erin Byington Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Erin Byington Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Erin Byington Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Erin Byington

Erin Byington is the P2 Associate Person Remote at Ameriprise Financial based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Previously, Erin was the Assistant Director, Career Placement, John F Welch College of Business at Sacred Heart University and also held positions at Ameriprise Financial, Catapult Marketing, Green Seed Group, Ben Marketing Group. Erin received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Boston College.Explore more

Erin Byington Current Workplace

Camelot Wealth Management

2020-present (5 years)

Camelot Wealth Management is a fee-only Registered Investment Advisory firm that specializes in providing comprehensive financial planning and asset management services tailored to individuals, families, and businesses. The firm is committed to empowering clients with personalized financial guidance while ensuring unbiased advice free from conflicts of interest. Their experienced team utilizes industry-leading tools to develop strategies that cater to each client's unique financial needs. Camelot Wealth Management invites potential clients to schedule a complimentary initial consultation to embark on a journey towards financial security.

Erin Byington Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director, Marketing

Camelot Wealth Management


Assistant Director, Career Placement, John F Welch College of Business

Sacred Heart University


Account Supervisor

Catapult Marketing


Brand Manager

Green Seed Group




Bachelor of Arts

Boston College

Org Chart - Camelot Wealth Management


Director, Operations




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Erin Byington

What company does Erin Byington work for?
Erin Byington works for Camelot Wealth Management as Director, Operations
What is Erin Byington’s role in Camelot Wealth Management?
Erin Byington’s role in Camelot Wealth Management is Director, Operations
What is Erin Byington’s email address?
Erin Byington’s email address is e***@afs.ameriprise.com
What is Erin Byington’s business email address?
Erin Byington’s business email address is e***@afs.ameriprise.com
What is Erin Byington’s direct phone number?
Erin Byington’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Erin Byington’s work phone number?
Erin Byington’s headquarters phone number is (813) 510-4910
What is Erin Byington’s latest job experience?
Erin Byington’s latest job experience is Director, Marketing at Camelot Wealth Management
What is Erin Byington’s latest education?
Erin Byington’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts at Boston College
Which industry does Erin Byington work in?
Erin Byington works in the industry of Human Resources & Staffing, Business Services.
Who are Erin Byington’s peers at other companies?
Erin Byington’s peers at other companies are Zulay Moreno, Stefan Saka, Jackie Gardner, Ricky Jaime, Aisling Kelly.
Who are Erin Byington’s colleagues?
Some of Erin Byington’s colleagues are Scott Miller, Zachary Coey, Jeffrey Feldman.
How can I contact Erin Byington?
Erin Byington contact details: Email address: e***@afs.ameriprise.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Erin Byington?

Erin Byington is the P2 Associate Person Remote at Ameriprise Financial based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Previously, Erin was the Assistant Director, Career Placement, John F Welch College of Business at Sacred Heart University and also held positions at Ameriprise Financial, Catapult Marketing, Green Seed Group, Ben Marketing Group. Erin receive... d a Bachelor of Arts degree from Boston College.Read More

Where is Erin Byington based?
Erin Byington works for Camelot Wealth Management, located at United States
See more information about Erin Byington

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