
Erika Turpin

Erika Turpin Email & Phone number

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(830) ***-****

Erika Turpin Current Workplace



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About Erika Turpin

Erika Turpin works at DCI Resources, which is a Law Firms & Legal Services company with an estimated 5 employees. Erika is currently based in Texas. Found email listings include: @dciresources.com.Explore more

Erika Turpin Current Workplace

DCI Resources

2023-present (2 years)

DCI Resources, Inc., a member of the NAPBS, provides background screening solutions to companies nationwide. Our online system provides timely, efficient and pre-integrated customer oriented reports based on your company's individual needs. Our state of the art web based system requires NO SOFTWARE to purchase, no setup fees or monthly fees, and provides state of the art security and data protection. We separate ourselves from our competition by providing accurate reports with the fastest turnaround possible while providing readily accessible customer service resulting in high customer satisfaction. Information about your applicants is available on the web 24/7, including real time status updates of every search so that nothing falls through the cracks. At DCI Resources, Inc. we know that the primary purpose of employment and rental screening is to allow you to make objective and informed decisions about your potential employees or renters. Screening an applicant can verify the facts sSee more

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Erika Turpin

What is Erika Turpin’s email address?
Erika Turpin’s email address is e***@dciresources.com
What is Erika Turpin’s business email address?
Erika Turpin’s business email address is e***@dciresources.com
What is Erika Turpin’s direct phone number?
Erika Turpin’s direct phone number is (830) ***-****
What is Erika Turpin’s work phone number?
Erika Turpin’s headquarters phone number is (800) 760-4336
Which industry does Erika Turpin work in?
Erika Turpin works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Erika Turpin’s colleagues?
Some of Erika Turpin’s colleagues are Kevin Conlan, Anthony Kanakis, Emilia Szeszko, James Battelli.
How can I contact Erika Turpin?
Erika Turpin contact details: Email address: e***@dciresources.com Phone number: (830) ***-****
Where is Erika Turpin based?
Erika Turpin works for DCI Resources, located at United States
See more information about Erika Turpin

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