
Erik Littlejohn

President & Chief Executive Officer at CloudWave

Erik Littlejohn Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(508) ***-****

Erik Littlejohn Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Erik Littlejohn Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Erik Littlejohn

Erik Littlejohn is the President & Chief Executive Officer at CloudWave, responsible for leading the company's strategic direction and overseeing its day-to-day operations. Prior to CloudWave, he held the position of Director, Business Operations at Accelion Health. Littlejohn holds a Bachelor's degree from the United States Military Academy, where he developed his strong leadership and problem-solving skills.Explore more

Erik Littlejohn Current Workplace


2013-present (12 years)

CloudWave is a cloud and managed services provider that delivers a multi-cloud approach, helping healthcare organizations with any electronic health record (EHR) service architect, build, and integrate a personalized solution using managed private cloud, public cloud, and cloud edge resources. As the largest, most experienced, and trusted independent software hosting provider in healthcare, CloudWave delivers enterprise cloud services to more than 200 hospitals and healthcare organizations, supporting 125+ EHR, clinical, and enterprise applications. With decades of experience in disaster recovery and backup, CloudWave can support a wide variety of healthcare IT initiatives that require scalability, reliability, and security.

Erik Littlejohn Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director, Business Operations

Accelion Health


Group Chief Administrative Officer, Healthcare Solutions

Dell Services



United States Army




Bachelor's degree

the United States Military Academy

Master of Business Administration

Virginia Tech.

Org Chart - CloudWave

President & Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Erik Littlejohn

What company does Erik Littlejohn work for?
Erik Littlejohn works for CloudWave as President & Chief Executive Officer
What is Erik Littlejohn’s role in CloudWave?
Erik Littlejohn’s role in CloudWave is President & Chief Executive Officer
What is Erik Littlejohn’s email address?
Erik Littlejohn’s email address is e***@gocloudwave.com
What is Erik Littlejohn’s business email address?
Erik Littlejohn’s business email address is e***@gocloudwave.com
What is Erik Littlejohn’s direct phone number?
Erik Littlejohn’s direct phone number is (508) ***-****
What is Erik Littlejohn’s work phone number?
Erik Littlejohn’s headquarters phone number is (800) 829-5457
What is Erik Littlejohn’s latest job experience?
Erik Littlejohn’s latest job experience is Director, Business Operations at Accelion Health
What is Erik Littlejohn’s latest education?
Erik Littlejohn’s latest education in Bachelor's degree at the United States Military Academy
Which industry does Erik Littlejohn work in?
Erik Littlejohn works in the industry of Storage & System Management Software, Software Development & Design, Software.
Who are Erik Littlejohn’s peers at other companies?
Erik Littlejohn’s peers at other companies are Jake Berg, Steve Mueller, Mark Logan, Andrew Betterton, Evan Tree.
Who are Erik Littlejohn’s colleagues?
Some of Erik Littlejohn’s colleagues are Kivia Hammock, John Flynn, Robert Mahle, Russ Connor.
How can I contact Erik Littlejohn?
Erik Littlejohn contact details: Email address: e***@gocloudwave.com Phone number: (508) ***-****
Who is Erik Littlejohn?

Erik Littlejohn is the President & Chief Executive Officer at CloudWave, responsible for leading the company's strategic direction and overseeing its day-to-day operations. Prior to CloudWave, he held the position of Director, Business Operations at Accelion Health. Littlejohn holds a Bachelor's degree from the United States Military Academy, where... he developed his strong leadership and problem-solving skills.Read More

Where is Erik Littlejohn based?
Erik Littlejohn works for CloudWave, located at United States
Who is CloudWave’s President & Chief Executive Officer?
CloudWave's President & Chief Executive Officer is Erik Littlejohn
See more information about Erik Littlejohn

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