2024-present (8 months)
Erica Hauge Email & Phone number
Erica Hauge Current Workplace
191 Peachtree St NE Ste 2900, Atlanta, Georgia, 30303, United States
(404) 954-5000
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About Erica Hauge
Erica Hauge is a Paralegal at Hall Booth Smith based in Atlanta, Georgia.Explore more
Erica Hauge Current Workplace
Hall Booth Smith
Established in 1989, Hall Booth Smith, P.C. (HBS) is a full-service law firm with 30 offices across the United States. Experienced across a wide range of legal disciplines, HBS attorneys pride themselves on providing knowledgeable, proactive, client-specific counsel to individuals, domestic and international corporations, state and federal agencies, and nonprofit organizations. At HBS, we possess the legal knowledge, skill and experience to meet our clients needs wherever they do business. HBS maintains the highest commitment to ethically and professionally serve our clients by providing the highest quality legal representation. Hall Booth Smith delivers quality legal services in a variety of practice areas for over 30 years. Experience across legal disciplines combined with a focus on the unique business or personal requirements of the client is the hallmark of the firm. Our clients receive the attention, expertise, and cost-effectiveness of a smaller law firm with a full-service andSee more
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Erica Hauge is a Paralegal at Hall Booth Smith based in Atlanta, Georgia.... Read More