
Eric Oberer

Vice President at Holmdel Ski Club

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Eric Oberer Current Workplace


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About Eric Oberer

Eric Oberer is a Vice President at Holmdel Ski Club based in Frisco, Colorado.Explore more

Eric Oberer Current Workplace

Holmdel Ski Club

2024-present (8 months)

Rumor has it that the Holmdel Ski Club was formed in the 1960's as an all volunteer, social activity club in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of AT&T Bell Laboratories. In the 80's, the stated purpose of the Club was "to provide a means for its members to join together in skiing and other recreational activities, both indoor and outdoor, during noon hour and outside working hours, thereby gaining the benefits of group participation in these activities. Back then, working for Bell Labs was pretty much a guarantee of lifetime employment and the Labs sponsored plenty of non-work oriented recreational activities. A significant percentage of Bell Labs employees were 20-something college graduates who were brought to New Jersey from across the planet. These people typically did not have any other social ties in New Jersey and they were looking for a place to meet other people and share in good times. The Holmdel Ski Club provided an ideal venue for those people to meet other adveSee more

Org Chart - Holmdel Ski Club


Vice President




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Eric Oberer

What company does Eric Oberer work for?
Eric Oberer works for Holmdel Ski Club as Vice President
What is Eric Oberer’s role in Holmdel Ski Club?
Eric Oberer’s role in Holmdel Ski Club is Vice President
What is Eric Oberer’s email address?
Eric Oberer’s email address is e***@holmdelskiclub.org
What is Eric Oberer’s business email address?
Eric Oberer’s business email address is e***@holmdelskiclub.org
What is Eric Oberer’s direct phone number?
Eric Oberer’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
Which industry does Eric Oberer work in?
Eric Oberer works in the industry of Amusement Parks, Arcades & Attractions, Recreation, Hospitality.
Who are Eric Oberer’s peers at other companies?
Eric Oberer’s peers at other companies are Larry Fotevski, Paris Vlahovic, Dana Leyda, Pete Decorsey, Bjorn Lewis.
Who are Eric Oberer’s colleagues?
Some of Eric Oberer’s colleagues are Dennis McCann, Steven Krapes, Victor Lorentzen, Len Szymanski.
How can I contact Eric Oberer?
Eric Oberer contact details: Email address: e***@holmdelskiclub.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Eric Oberer?

Eric Oberer is a Vice President at Holmdel Ski Club based in Frisco, Colorado.... Read More

Where is Eric Oberer based?
Eric Oberer works for Holmdel Ski Club, located at United States
See more information about Eric Oberer

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