Eric Barker

Chief Growth Officer at TrueRx

Eric Barker Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Eric Barker Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Eric Barker Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Eric Barker

Eric Barker is a Chief Growth Officer at TrueRx based in Washington, Indiana. Previously, Eric was a Vice President, Business Development at TrueRx and also held positions at True RX Management Services, PharMerica. Eric received a Bachelor of Science degree from University of Toledo.

Eric Barker Current Workplace


2022-present (3 years)

True Rx Health Strategists cultivates health, integrity, innovation, and care to transcend pharmacy benefit solutions for employers and patients.

Eric Barker Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Vice President, Business Development



Regional Director, Pharmacy Services

True RX Management Services


Manager, Clinical Operations Midwest





Bachelor of Science - Pharmacy

University of Toledo

Org Chart - TrueRx

Eric Barker

Chief Growth Officer

Recent News About Eric Barker

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Eric Barker

What company does Eric Barker work for?
Eric Barker works for TrueRx as Chief Growth Officer
What is Eric Barker’s role in TrueRx?
Eric Barker’s role in TrueRx is Chief Growth Officer
What is Eric Barker’s email address?
Eric Barker’s email address is e***@carle.com
What is Eric Barker’s business email address?
Eric Barker’s business email address is e***@carle.com
What is Eric Barker’s direct phone number?
Eric Barker’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Eric Barker’s work phone number?
Eric Barker’s headquarters phone number is (812) 254-7425
What is Eric Barker’s latest job experience?
Eric Barker’s latest job experience is Vice President, Business Development at TrueRx
What is Eric Barker’s latest education?
Eric Barker’s latest education in Bachelor of Science - Pharmacy at University of Toledo
Which industry does Eric Barker work in?
Eric Barker works in the industry of Management Consulting, Business Services.
Who are Eric Barker’s peers at other companies?
Eric Barker’s peers at other companies are Alyson Cutshall, Pratibha Chhaya, Susan Moreira, Jason Boldt, Judson Kennedy.
Who are Eric Barker’s colleagues?
Some of Eric Barker’s colleagues are Lisa Edwards, Jennifer Gilmore, Chelsea Durnil, Katrina Strange.
How can I contact Eric Barker?
Eric Barker contact details: Email address: e***@carle.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Eric Barker?

Eric Barker is a Chief Growth Officer at TrueRx based in Washington, Indiana. Previously, Eric was a Vice President, Business Development at TrueRx and also held positions at True RX Management Services, PharMerica. Eric received a Bachelor of Science degree from University of Toledo....

Where is Eric Barker based?
Eric Barker works for TrueRx, located at United States
Who is TrueRx’s Chief Growth Officer?
TrueRx's Chief Growth Officer is Eric Barker