Eran Elizur

Eran Elizur

Chief Executive Officer at IKOMED

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(***) ***-****

Eran Elizur Current Workplace




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Number of Employees

Eran Elizur Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Eran Elizur

Eran Elizur is the Chief Executive Officer at IKOMED, based in Vancouver, Canada. Prior to his current role, he served as the Chief Executive Officer of KaleidoFlex Technologies. Elizur holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Tel-Aviv University and is actively engaged on LinkedIn.Explore more

Eran Elizur Current Workplace


2016-present (9 years)

IKOMED Technologies Inc. is a Vancouver based company focused on developing cutting-edge medical device technology. Their research, development, manufacturing, integration, and testing are conducted in their Vancouver office. They specialize in innovative medical devices such as AEGIS, an AI-Guided X-ray Radiation Reduction system, and ATMOS, a noninvasive treatment for emphysema, transforming patient care and advancing healthcare and life sciences.

Eran Elizur Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Consultant and Chief Executive Officer

MTT Innovation


Chief Executive Officer

KaleidoFlex Technologies


General Manager, Industrial Imaging Solutions



Director, Business Development





Bachelor of Science - Physics and Computer Science

Tel-Aviv University

Master of Business Administration

Tel-Aviv University
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations


VIT (Vancouver Israeli Technology Club)


Org Chart - IKOMED

Profile Picture

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Eran Elizur

What company does Eran Elizur work for?
Eran Elizur works for IKOMED as Chief Executive Officer
What is Eran Elizur’s role in IKOMED?
Eran Elizur’s role in IKOMED is Chief Executive Officer
What is Eran Elizur’s email address?
Eran Elizur’s email address is e***
What is Eran Elizur’s business email address?
Eran Elizur’s business email address is e***
What is Eran Elizur’s direct phone number?
Eran Elizur’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Eran Elizur’s work phone number?
Eran Elizur’s headquarters phone number is (604) 258-0028
What is Eran Elizur’s latest job experience?
Eran Elizur’s latest job experience is Consultant and Chief Executive Officer at MTT Innovation
What is Eran Elizur’s latest education?
Eran Elizur’s latest education in Bachelor of Science - Physics and Computer Science at Tel-Aviv University
Which industry does Eran Elizur work in?
Eran Elizur works in the industry of Vitamins, Supplements & Health Stores, Retail.
Who are Eran Elizur’s peers at other companies?
Eran Elizur’s peers at other companies are Zamir Md, Richard Bozogian, Suzanne Paulson, Vineet Sarin, Juan Borges.
Who are Eran Elizur’s colleagues?
Some of Eran Elizur’s colleagues are Corey Myrdal, Jesse Malm, Duncan Boyd, Irina Doon.
How can I contact Eran Elizur?
Eran Elizur contact details: Email address: e*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Eran Elizur?

Eran Elizur is the Chief Executive Officer at IKOMED, based in Vancouver, Canada. Prior to his current role, he served as the Chief Executive Officer of KaleidoFlex Technologies. Elizur holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Tel-Aviv University and is actively engaged on LinkedIn.... Read More

Where is Eran Elizur based?
Eran Elizur works for IKOMED, located at Canada
Who is IKOMED’s Chief Executive Officer?
IKOMED's Chief Executive Officer is Eran Elizur
See more information about Eran Elizur

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