2018-present (7 years)
Endrea Kosven Email & Phone number
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Endrea Kosven Current Workplace
2021 Guadalupe St Ste 260, Austin, Texas, 78705, United States
Phone Number
(512) 387-5849
Number of Employees
Endrea Kosven Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
9Number of job titles
9Last Update 1/7/2025 10:38 PM
About Endrea Kosven
Endrea Kosven is an Account Executive at Edelman based in Chicago, Illinois.
Previously, Endrea was a Founder & Chief Executive Officer at EDK and also held positions at WeWriteBios.com, Major League Baseball, ISSSP, Cintas, ADP, MTV, Viacom, Paramount, Kcal.
Endrea received a bachelor's degree degree from USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and a bachelor's degree from USC School of Journalism.
Endrea Kosven Current Workplace
The International Society of Six Sigma Professionals (ISSSP) is the leading non-profit organization promoting the high standards and values that Lean Six Sigma operates by. ISSSP provides access to Lean Six Sigma resources, advice on choosing accredited training providers, and opportunities for members to submit webinars, presentations, and white papers.
Endrea Kosven Work Experience & Education
Org Chart - ISSSP
Endrea Kosven
Director, Marketing Communications
Recent News About Endrea Kosven
Web References
Bio Writing Made Easy | WeWriteBios.com
Endrea Kosven Endrea Kosven is the founder and CEO of WeWriteBios.com and EDK and Company, a marketing communications agency based in Los Angeles. W...Bios | EDK Creative
Endrea Kosven , Founder and CEO Endrea Kosven , founder and CEO, received her bachelor's degree in journalism at the USC Annenberg School for Commun...Bio Writing Made Easy | WeWriteBios.com
Endrea Kosven Endrea Kosven is the founder and CEO of WeWriteBios.com and EDK and Company, a marketing communications agency based in Los Angeles. W...Bios | EDK Creative
Endrea Kosven , Founder and CEO Endrea Kosven , founder and CEO, received her bachelor's degree in journalism at the USC Annenberg School for Commun...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Endrea Kosven
Endrea Kosven is an Account Executive at Edelman based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Endrea was a Founder & Chief Executive Officer at EDK and also held positions at WeWriteBios.com, Major League Baseball, ISSSP, Cintas, ADP, MTV, Viacom, Paramount, Kcal. Endrea received a bachelor's degree degree from USC Annenberg School for Communication a... nd Journalism and a bachelor's degree from USC School of Journalism.