
Emilija Angjelovska

Sales And Marketing at Limak Hotels

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About Emilija Angjelovska

Emilija Angjelovska is a Sales And Marketing at Limak Hotels based in Polatli, Ankara.Explore more

Emilija Angjelovska Current Workplace

Limak Hotels

2022-present (2 years)

The investments have been continued acting on the principle of being a pioneer and leader in every sector of operation; Limak Limra has been taken into service at Antalya Kemer in 1998 and Limak Atlantis at Antalya Belek in 2002. In 2000, the Limak International Hotels & Resort brand has been created and the "Warm Hospitality & Excellent Service" slogan has been registered as the brand commitment. Limak Ambassadore has been the first step into urban hotel management in 2006, while Limak Lara has been presented to the country tourism at Antalya Lara in the same year. In 2010, the first thermal boutique hotel of Turkey, Limak Yalova Thermal has been taken into service. Meanwhile, Limak Eurasia Hotel has started to serve at stanbul Kavack in 2011. Services are offered throughout the year at the facilities and occupancy ratios over 80 percent are maintained consistently. Limak Tourism Group hosts guests from almost 40 different countries around the world, as well as its domestic guests. LiSee more

Org Chart - Limak Hotels


Sales And Marketing




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Emilija Angjelovska

What company does Emilija Angjelovska work for?
Emilija Angjelovska works for Limak Hotels as Sales And Marketing
What is Emilija Angjelovska’s role in Limak Hotels?
Emilija Angjelovska’s role in Limak Hotels is Sales And Marketing
What is Emilija Angjelovska’s email address?
Emilija Angjelovska’s email address is e***@limakhotels.com
What is Emilija Angjelovska’s business email address?
Emilija Angjelovska’s business email address is e***@limakhotels.com
What is Emilija Angjelovska’s direct phone number?
Emilija Angjelovska’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Emilija Angjelovska’s work phone number?
Emilija Angjelovska’s headquarters phone number is +90 3926311881
Which industry does Emilija Angjelovska work in?
Emilija Angjelovska works in the industry of Lodging & Resorts, Hospitality.
Who are Emilija Angjelovska’s peers at other companies?
Emilija Angjelovska’s peers at other companies are Don James, Chetan Surwade, Paul Arijit, Evelin Hernandez, Erika Monterrosa.
Who are Emilija Angjelovska’s colleagues?
Some of Emilija Angjelovska’s colleagues are Ersel Aydın, Hakan Coşkun, Michelle Navarro, Ramazan Yaşbayır.
How can I contact Emilija Angjelovska?
Emilija Angjelovska contact details: Email address: e***@limakhotels.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Emilija Angjelovska?

Emilija Angjelovska is a Sales And Marketing at Limak Hotels based in Polatli, Ankara.... Read More

Where is Emilija Angjelovska based?
Emilija Angjelovska works for Limak Hotels, located at Turkey
See more information about Emilija Angjelovska

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