
Emanuel Smith

Director, Safety at Cummins Construction

Emanuel Smith Email & Phone number

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(580) ***-****

Emanuel Smith Current Workplace


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Emanuel Smith Work Experience Summary

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About Emanuel Smith

Emanuel Smith is a Director, Safety at Cummins Construction based in Enid, Oklahoma. Previously, Emanuel was an Officer at Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Education Association and also held positions at Oklahoma Self Insurers Association, www.cumminscargen.com, Gary Community School.Explore more

Emanuel Smith Current Workplace

Cummins Construction

2016-present (9 years)

The Cummins Construction Company, Inc. is one of Oklahoma's leading producers of quality hotmix materials and pavements. The Cummins Construction Company, Inc. has competent crews and modern equipment to perform the following services: Hot Mix Asphalt Asphalt Paving Cold Mix Asphalt Asphalt cold milling and recycling. Equipment sales, service, and rental. Grading and excavation. Soil stabilization/Sub-grade modification (lime, fly ash, CKD). Certified material testing and asphalt mix design lab

Emanuel Smith Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Org Chart - Cummins Construction


Director, Safety




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Emanuel Smith

What company does Emanuel Smith work for?
Emanuel Smith works for Cummins Construction as Director, Safety
What is Emanuel Smith’s role in Cummins Construction?
Emanuel Smith’s role in Cummins Construction is Director, Safety
What is Emanuel Smith’s email address?
Emanuel Smith’s email address is e***@cummins.com
What is Emanuel Smith’s business email address?
Emanuel Smith’s business email address is e***@cummins.com
What is Emanuel Smith’s direct phone number?
Emanuel Smith’s direct phone number is (580) ***-****
What is Emanuel Smith’s work phone number?
Emanuel Smith’s headquarters phone number is (580) 233-6000
What is Emanuel Smith’s latest job experience?
Emanuel Smith’s latest job experience is Officer at Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Education Association
Which industry does Emanuel Smith work in?
Emanuel Smith works in the industry of Construction General, Construction.
Who are Emanuel Smith’s peers at other companies?
Emanuel Smith’s peers at other companies are Bridgette Swain, Brian Van, Ronald Edwards, Robert Cherry, Joe Pagliaccetti.
Who are Emanuel Smith’s colleagues?
Some of Emanuel Smith’s colleagues are Alica LeFlore, Jay Amin, Jemar Mills, Cory Abel.
How can I contact Emanuel Smith?
Emanuel Smith contact details: Email address: e***@cummins.com Phone number: (580) ***-****
Who is Emanuel Smith?

Emanuel Smith is a Director, Safety at Cummins Construction based in Enid, Oklahoma. Previously, Emanuel was an Officer at Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Education Association and also held positions at Oklahoma Self Insurers Association, www.cumminscargen.com, Gary Community School.... Read More

Where is Emanuel Smith based?
Emanuel Smith works for Cummins Construction, located at United States
See more information about Emanuel Smith

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