Emad Shamas

Android Developer at WapExp

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Emad Shamas Work Experience Summary

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About Emad Shamas

Emad Shamas is an accomplished Android Developer based in Pakistan, currently working at WapExp. They are responsible for developing and maintaining mobile applications, leveraging their expertise in WordPress and Android development.Prior to their role at WapExp, Emad was a student at Government College University Faisalabad, where they honed their technical skills and gained valuable experience. Their passion for technology and dedication to their craft have been the driving forces behind their successful career.Emad's diverse skill set, which includes proficiency in WordPress and Android development, has made them a valuable asset to the teams they have worked with. They are known for their ability to deliver high-quality, innovative solutions that meet the needs of their clients and users.Explore more

Emad Shamas Current Workplace


2019-present (6 years)

WapExp Company is a leading internet marketing firm specializing in software development, web development, graphic design, and SEO services. The company is dedicated to providing top-notch solutions for both small and large enterprises and individual clients, focusing on complete customer satisfaction. Their skilled team excels at understanding client needs and delivering tailored digital products, including visually appealing websites and effective graphic design. WapExp prioritizes the significance of their client relationships, ensuring innovative services that align with overall business strategies.

Emad Shamas Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Work Experience

Work Experience

Org Chart - WapExp


Android Developer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Emad Shamas

What company does Emad Shamas work for?
Emad Shamas works for WapExp as Android Developer
What is Emad Shamas’s role in WapExp?
Emad Shamas’s role in WapExp is Android Developer
What is Emad Shamas’s direct phone number?
Emad Shamas’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Emad Shamas’s work phone number?
Emad Shamas’s headquarters phone number is +92 418536909
What is Emad Shamas’s latest job experience?
Emad Shamas’s latest job experience is Student at Government College University Faisalabad
Which industry does Emad Shamas work in?
Emad Shamas works in the industry of Multimedia & Graphic Design, Business Services.
Who are Emad Shamas’s peers at other companies?
Emad Shamas’s peers at other companies are Manoj Goshwami, Farrukh Hussain, Maulik Dobariya, Ranjan Kumar, Rajkumar Ramanathan.
Who are Emad Shamas’s colleagues?
Some of Emad Shamas’s colleagues are Aimen Seo, Maida Younas, Hammad Tariq, Hira Shahzadi.
Who is Emad Shamas?

Emad Shamas is an accomplished Android Developer based in Pakistan, currently working at WapExp. They are responsible for developing and maintaining mobile applications, leveraging their expertise in WordPress and Android development.Prior to their role at WapExp, Emad was a student at Government College University Faisalabad, where they honed thei... r technical skills and gained valuable experience. Their passion for technology and dedication to their craft have been the driving forces behind their successful career.Emad's diverse skill set, which includes proficiency in WordPress and Android development, has made them a valuable asset to the teams they have worked with. They are known for their ability to deliver high-quality, innovative solutions that meet the needs of their clients and users.Read More

Where is Emad Shamas based?
Emad Shamas works for WapExp, located at Pakistan
See more information about Emad Shamas

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