
Elsabe Fleming

Specialist Teacher at Patricia Avenue School

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(***) ***-****

Elsabe Fleming Current Workplace


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About Elsabe Fleming

Elsabe Fleming is a Specialist Teacher at Patricia Avenue School based in Hamilton, Waikato.Explore more

Elsabe Fleming Current Workplace

Patricia Avenue School

2024-present (8 months)

Patricia Avenue School is a specialist school for children and young people who have intellectual disability. Our students are aged 5-21 years. While our base school is in Patricia Avenue in Hamilton East more than half of our students are in satellite classes. We have primary age students learning at Melville Primary, Silverdale Normal and Woodstock Primary schools, intermediate students at Marian School, Fairfield Intermediate and Cambridge Middle School; secondary students at Melville High School and Te Awamutu College and a tertiary group of students learning in a community based setting in Clifton Road in the CBD. We also run a Specialist Teacher Outreach Service (STOS) to support ORS funded students and their teachers and staff in mainstream schools. Our therapy team of speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, a music therapist, psychologist and music specialist work closely with teachers, learning support assistants and families to support studeSee more

Org Chart - Patricia Avenue School


Specialist Teacher




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Elsabe Fleming

What company does Elsabe Fleming work for?
Elsabe Fleming works for Patricia Avenue School as Specialist Teacher
What is Elsabe Fleming’s role in Patricia Avenue School?
Elsabe Fleming’s role in Patricia Avenue School is Specialist Teacher
What is Elsabe Fleming’s email address?
Elsabe Fleming’s email address is e***@patave.school.nz
What is Elsabe Fleming’s business email address?
Elsabe Fleming’s business email address is e***@patave.school.nz
What is Elsabe Fleming’s direct phone number?
Elsabe Fleming’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Elsabe Fleming’s work phone number?
Elsabe Fleming’s headquarters phone number is +64 78569350
Which industry does Elsabe Fleming work in?
Elsabe Fleming works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Elsabe Fleming’s peers at other companies?
Elsabe Fleming’s peers at other companies are Phillipe Battini, Ian Burge, Maraea Rameka, Joshua Denman, Lyndsay Miller.
Who are Elsabe Fleming’s colleagues?
Some of Elsabe Fleming’s colleagues are Vicki Elliott, Karolina Poor, Jade Dobbs, Kirsty Dodunski.
How can I contact Elsabe Fleming?
Elsabe Fleming contact details: Email address: e***@patave.school.nz Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Elsabe Fleming?

Elsabe Fleming is a Specialist Teacher at Patricia Avenue School based in Hamilton, Waikato.... Read More

Where is Elsabe Fleming based?
Elsabe Fleming works for Patricia Avenue School, located at New Zealand
See more information about Elsabe Fleming

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