Ellen Gould

Coach at Thornhill Figure Skating Club

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About Ellen Gould

Ellen Gould is a Coach at the Thornhill Figure Skating Club, based in Markham, Canada. She is responsible for training and developing figure skating athletes. Prior to her current role, Gould served as a Board Member at the Thornhill Figure Skating Club. She holds a Bachelor of Education degree, which has equipped her with the necessary skills and expertise to excel in the field of figure skating coaching.Explore more

Ellen Gould Current Workplace

Thornhill Figure Skating Club

2021-present (4 years)

The Thornhill Figure Skating Club was founded in 1975 and is run by a volunteer board of directors. We are a Skate Canada sanctioned club, the national body that coordinates and regulates figure skating in Canada. We are situated in the Skate Ontario Section of Skate Canada. By being sanctioned with Skate Canada, this ensures that the programs offered, the skills developed, and the instruction provided to our skaters meet a specified standard that is consistent across Canada. All of our coaches are trained and certified by Skate Canada through the National Coaching Certification Program. Thornhill Figure Skating Club operates year-round. During the fall and winter months, TFSC operates at the Thornhill Community Centre, located at 7755 Bayview Ave. and Rosemount Arena, located at 1000 New Westminster Dr. During the spring and summer months, we operate only at the Thornhill Community Centre. The mandate of the Thornhill Figure Skating Club is to provide a safe, encouraging and positiveSee more

Ellen Gould Work Experience & Education

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Bachelor of Education degree

Org Chart - Thornhill Figure Skating Club






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ellen Gould

What company does Ellen Gould work for?
Ellen Gould works for Thornhill Figure Skating Club as Coach
What is Ellen Gould’s role in Thornhill Figure Skating Club?
Ellen Gould’s role in Thornhill Figure Skating Club is Coach
What is Ellen Gould’s email address?
Ellen Gould’s email address is e***@yrdsb.ca
What is Ellen Gould’s business email address?
Ellen Gould’s business email address is e***@yrdsb.ca
What is Ellen Gould’s direct phone number?
Ellen Gould’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ellen Gould’s work phone number?
Ellen Gould’s headquarters phone number is (905) 881-6411
Which industry does Ellen Gould work in?
Ellen Gould works in the industry of Hospitality General, Hospitality.
Who are Ellen Gould’s peers at other companies?
Ellen Gould’s peers at other companies are Stacy Sims, Erin Sills, Sydney Asselstine, Emma Jack, Mike Mason.
Who are Ellen Gould’s colleagues?
Some of Ellen Gould’s colleagues are Katerina Papafotiou, Jonathan Mills, Heather Perry, Myke Gillman.
How can I contact Ellen Gould?
Ellen Gould contact details: Email address: e***@yrdsb.ca Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Ellen Gould?

Ellen Gould is a Coach at the Thornhill Figure Skating Club, based in Markham, Canada. She is responsible for training and developing figure skating athletes. Prior to her current role, Gould served as a Board Member at the Thornhill Figure Skating Club. She holds a Bachelor of Education degree, which has equipped her with the necessary skills and... expertise to excel in the field of figure skating coaching.Read More

Where is Ellen Gould based?
Ellen Gould works for Thornhill Figure Skating Club, located at Canada
See more information about Ellen Gould

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