Elisheva Desser

Sales Lead at The Impeccable Pig

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(***) ***-****

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About Elisheva Desser

Elisheva Desser is the Sales Lead at The Impeccable Pig. They are responsible for overseeing the company's sales strategy and managing a team of sales professionals. Elisheva holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Belmont University, where they developed a strong foundation in business and marketing.Explore more

Elisheva Desser Current Workplace

The Impeccable Pig

2022-present (2 years)

The Impeccable Pig is a family owned and operated boutique based out of Dallas, TX. The store was opened in 2002 by sisters Laura and Mona as a home decor shop, but when Laura's daughter Jenny joined the team as a buyer in 2005 the trio's focus shifted toward apparel. The Impeccable Pig prides itself on extending a family-like atmosphere to each customer. This means providing exceptional customer service and a personalized shopping experience. Now with nineteen locations and a website, the store has grown, but will continue to stay true to its family roots. Each store is filled with a diverse selection of women's clothing that are fashion forward and modestly priced. Although customer service is considered most important to the company, giving back to the community is also something that The Impeccable Pig takes very seriously. The Impeccable Pig contributes to local non-profit organizations that embrace women's empowerment, such as the Genesis Women's Shelter and The Family Place.

Org Chart - The Impeccable Pig


Sales Lead




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Elisheva Desser

What company does Elisheva Desser work for?
Elisheva Desser works for The Impeccable Pig as Sales Lead
What is Elisheva Desser’s role in The Impeccable Pig?
Elisheva Desser’s role in The Impeccable Pig is Sales Lead
What is Elisheva Desser’s email address?
Elisheva Desser’s email address is e***@coach.com
What is Elisheva Desser’s business email address?
Elisheva Desser’s business email address is e***@coach.com
What is Elisheva Desser’s direct phone number?
Elisheva Desser’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Elisheva Desser’s work phone number?
Elisheva Desser’s headquarters phone number is (214) 750-9404
Which industry does Elisheva Desser work in?
Elisheva Desser works in the industry of Retail General, Retail.
Who are Elisheva Desser’s peers at other companies?
Elisheva Desser’s peers at other companies are Melanie Meengs, Telai Monteclaro, Ainsley Plauche, Kevin Reck, Jeannene Sands.
Who are Elisheva Desser’s colleagues?
Some of Elisheva Desser’s colleagues are Jakelle Ruiz, Lindsey Webb, Marisa Leiva, Emma Jevack.
How can I contact Elisheva Desser?
Elisheva Desser contact details: Email address: e***@coach.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Elisheva Desser?

Elisheva Desser is the Sales Lead at The Impeccable Pig. They are responsible for overseeing the company's sales strategy and managing a team of sales professionals. Elisheva holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Belmont University, where they developed a strong foundation in business and marketing.... Read More

Where is Elisheva Desser based?
Elisheva Desser works for The Impeccable Pig, located at United States
See more information about Elisheva Desser

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