Eleza Krakower

Project Manager at BAI

Eleza Krakower Email & Phone number


(312) ***-****

Eleza Krakower Current Workplace





Number of Employees

About Eleza Krakower

Eleza Krakower is a Project Manager at BAI based in Hamilton, New Jersey.

Eleza Krakower Current Workplace


2011-present (14 years)

Bai is a manufacturer of antioxidant infusion drinks. Established in 2009, Bai is headquartered in Hamilton, New Jersey. Bai currently operates as a subsidiary of Keurig Dr Pepper.

Org Chart - BAI

Eleza Krakower

Project Manager

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Eleza Krakower

What company does Eleza Krakower work for?
Eleza Krakower works for BAI as Project Manager
What is Eleza Krakower’s role in BAI?
Eleza Krakower’s role in BAI is Project Manager
What is Eleza Krakower’s email address?
Eleza Krakower’s email address is e***@bai.org
What is Eleza Krakower’s business email address?
Eleza Krakower’s business email address is e***@bai.org
What is Eleza Krakower’s direct phone number?
Eleza Krakower’s direct phone number is (312) ***-****
What is Eleza Krakower’s work phone number?
Eleza Krakower’s headquarters phone number is (855) 411-4224
Which industry does Eleza Krakower work in?
Eleza Krakower works in the industry of Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Manufacturing.
Who are Eleza Krakower’s peers at other companies?
Eleza Krakower’s peers at other companies are Tim Trepczyk, Rosemary Ferry, Darrell Lefrance, Barbara Miller, Laura Duran.
Who are Eleza Krakower’s colleagues?
Some of Eleza Krakower’s colleagues are Mahdi Chowdhury, Luz Caro, Tj Guarini, Kenneth Dee.
How can I contact Eleza Krakower?
Eleza Krakower contact details: Email address: e***@bai.org Phone number: (312) ***-****
Who is Eleza Krakower?

Eleza Krakower is a Project Manager at BAI based in Hamilton, New Jersey....

Where is Eleza Krakower based?
Eleza Krakower works for BAI, located at United States