Elaine Lima

JJ Interior and Exterior Painting Co Owner and Tech Coordinator and BTSA Mentor and World History Teacher-Dept. Head at Haskell STEM Academy

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Elaine Lima Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Elaine Lima Current Workplace


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About Elaine Lima

Elaine Lima is a JJ Interior and Exterior Painting Co Owner and Tech Coordinator and BTSA Mentor and World History Teacher-Dept. Head at Haskell STEM Academy based in Cerritos, California.

Elaine Lima Current Workplace

Haskell STEM Academy

1989-present (35 years)

The ABC Unified School District is known throughout the State of California as a leader in educational planning and innovation. The District has received county, state, and national recognition for outstanding programs in counseling, alternative education, staff development, and labor relations.

Org Chart - Haskell STEM Academy

Elaine Lima

JJ Interior and Exterior Painting C...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Elaine Lima

What company does Elaine Lima work for?
Elaine Lima works for Haskell STEM Academy as JJ Interior and Exterior Painting Co Owner and Tech Coordinator and BTSA Mentor and World History Teacher-Dept. Head
What is Elaine Lima’s role in Haskell STEM Academy?
Elaine Lima’s role in Haskell STEM Academy is JJ Interior and Exterior Painting Co Owner and Tech Coordinator and BTSA Mentor and World History Teacher-Dept. Head
What is Elaine Lima’s email address?
Elaine Lima’s email address is e***@abcusd.us
What is Elaine Lima’s business email address?
Elaine Lima’s business email address is e***@abcusd.us
What is Elaine Lima’s direct phone number?
Elaine Lima’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Elaine Lima’s work phone number?
Elaine Lima’s headquarters phone number is (562) 229-7815
Which industry does Elaine Lima work in?
Elaine Lima works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Elaine Lima’s colleagues?
Some of Elaine Lima’s colleagues are Jose Padua, Debra Lisovsky, Marisa Katsuda.
How can I contact Elaine Lima?
Elaine Lima contact details: Email address: e***@abcusd.us Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Elaine Lima?

Elaine Lima is a JJ Interior and Exterior Painting Co Owner and Tech Coordinator and BTSA Mentor and World History Teacher-Dept. Head at Haskell STEM Academy based in Cerritos, California....

Where is Elaine Lima based?
Elaine Lima works for Haskell STEM Academy, located at United States